

My spourt was going good intill a cold front hit for a day and the spourt fell down but i think it's still good cause the bottom part is still good and strong and intact the top part looks deadish and skinny and the green leaves don't look green :( tips?


Well-Known Member
See if you can get a small piece of wire, a large paperclip should do. Make a small hook at the end, and bend it over and put it beside your seedling to help support it in the hook. Just let it lean into the hook. Also it is time to grow indoors, forget about outside. Good luck


See if you can get a small piece of wire, a large paperclip should do. Make a small hook at the end, and bend it over and put it beside your seedling to help support it in the hook. Just let it lean into the hook. Also it is time to grow indoors, forget about outside. Good luck

What do you mean its time to grow inside?


Well-Known Member
Not being a good "spourt" about it! IMO sprouts should need no assistance! in fact I believe it hinders growth! Might be dampening off! Let it dry up a bit an see if it perks up!


Not being a good "spourt" about it! IMO sprouts should need no assistance! in fact I believe it hinders growth! Might be dampening off! Let it dry up a bit an see if it perks up!
Should i moist the soil in the time being or just let it be?


Well-Known Member
Should i moist the soil in the time being or just let it be?
You should soak your sprouts good and let it drain off, then let it almost dry up, but not completely before watering again! The little roots Need to search for water, if it is constantly available, the sprout doesn't get any excersize! Make sense? So that being said, how much have "you" been watering these little dudes?


Well-Known Member
Also if it is already wet, don't water again. Wait till it starts to dry up, but not dry out completely!


Like a few spray's till i see the soil turn a dark black and nice and wet, and once a day. The bucket doesn't have holes at the bottom does this matter?


Well-Known Member
Yes that matters big time, roots should not sit in water, you are creating an environment for botrytis ( bud Rot )... A good rule of thumb, is to soak your entire pot until it starts to run out the bottom holes ( punch some in the pots bottom ) and then let it almost dry out and repeat over and over!


This was just right now there's two of them but them seem like they are dieing, the root part though is strong and stiff so i take it that's a good sign.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2855490
This was just right now there's two of them but them seem like they are dieing, the root part though is strong and stiff so i take it that's a good sign.
dude those are dead.
that soil looks bad.
they look stretched.
where are they? inside/out?
what kind of light are they under?
what kind of water are you giving them?
where did you get the seeds?
are you ALLOWED to grow weed? you said you were in class..
we need more info dude..


Well-Known Member
also never plant more than one seed in a single pot.
the plants get big, you need room in the pot so they dont kill eachother via strangulation.


also never plant more than one seed in a single pot.
the plants get big, you need room in the pot so they dont kill eachother via strangulation.

Okay then i think that's where i fucked up, i planted like four in there and then they grew and eventully died, I said i was in Class like in college, They are grown outside with natural sunlight. What do you mean Allowed to grow weed?