spots on leaves


Active Member
DSC_0432.jpgHi all. This is my pineapple chunk. She's in ffof with a lil extra kelp and some Jamaican guano. I added those two extras when I repotted for flower on Sept 5. I noticed this today. What you guys think?


New Member
That was my first thought, calcium. Either lack of or too much of something else being antagonistic, causing the cal deficiency.

Mineral Antagonisms. When certain elements are provided in excess to plants, uptake of other nutrients may be hindered. One example of a mineral antagonism is the nitrogen-potassium interaction. For most floral crops a 1N:1K ratio is recommended. Another type of antagonism is the potassium-calcium-magnesium interaction. Any one of these elements in excess can cause a decrease in the uptake of the others. The optimum ratio for floral crop growers is 4K:2Ca:1Mg. Furthermore, excess phosphorus can cause a decrease in uptake of zinc, iron, and copper. The iron: manganese ratio should be 1:1.

Written by someone else @Univ of Florida


Active Member
Dou you have lime in the soil. Could be calcium.
i do have lime. but i did not let my mix cook. i put it together the day i repotted. im in 3 gal smart pot. i ran one gallon of 6.3 ph water threw her tonight.