SpokaneWa legal weed review

This is the strand review of legal weed here in Spokane washinton IMAG3001.jpg
This pineapple kush was purchesed at simply cannabis .
It was 8 bucks with a small discount for buying multiple strain was the special but at the cash register the deal was by from three different providers just heads up on their daily deals and not very truthful
Now on to the strain .
Strain: pineapple kush
Grower: Antotne Creek farms
Retailer: simply cannabis
Amount: 1 gram sold $8
Bag Appeal: chunky appears to be fluffy nice medium sized bugs in the bag
Smell: very potent smooth and pretty very earthy
Taste: subtle very soft a little bit early very low on the cough cough
The High: came on pretty intense and then tapered right off she was very enjoyable light couch lock
Comments:ever bad come with a game peace for a game called trippy .plus they list all there pesticides on the trippy rules card .
All in all good quality smoke will buy again and recommend this to a friend IMAG3003.jpg