Spitzer Sex Scandal....


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd give ya all something to hash out, while I run errands for the day... Did the wife know or didn't she??? I say she DID!! The guy was droppin 4K or more on a piece of ass. I don't care how much money ya got..you know when 4K is being spent. Then again maybe she was just stupid..and he had access to all the cash and she didn't??? just curious if anybody has a take on this angle ????:confused:


Well-Known Member
Good question. She didn't look too well at the press conference, kinda overwhelmed.
She seems quite attractive, though; she could keep me home. Wonder if they had no sex life? Seems to be the main reason men look around.
Or maybe he REALLY wanted to be a Republican- but for God's sake, won't someone think of the children!!1! lolz