Spinning Plants Under The Lights?


Active Member
I have a small setup going with three plants under a 100 watt HPS. They are about three weeks into vegetative state, all roughly 5-7 inches tall, one with 4 leaf sets, one with two, and one with 3.

To get to the point, the plants, now that the leaves are getting a little bigger, are leaning toward the light. The stems are not too weak, i have a fan and ventilation, but one of the plants is leaning at a 60 degree angle, the other more of a 75-80 degree angle.

Is it okay to spin the plants like 180 degrees so they lean the opposite way to balance them out, or should i let them go.

This is my first grow so I don't want to jump to conclusions.


Well-Known Member
i got some 2 week old plants, when they start leaning abit to one side i turn them so there facing away from the light, they then start bending the other way.


Well-Known Member
I turn my plants 3 times a day in the 12/12 cycle and 6 times a day in the 24/0 cycle,do this every day,if you dont you will end up with an unbalanced plant this also reduces the need for tieing off of the plants due to half of the plant being weaker than the other:blsmoke:


Great info, my week old plants are doing exactly this, i was becoming very worried. THANKS! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ditto on rotating plants, I only do it when I water though.
I also switch up the position that they are in in the grow room.
Left -> Right
Front -> back ect.

They're a little uneven but i'll forgive them :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i have 3 in flower right now in a line under lights..... i rotate and rearange them daily... take the one on the left put in the middle the middle to the right and right back around to the left. as well as spinning... just to make sure all the plant gets as much lights...

leaving them in one spot there might be some in the shaddows that don't get enough or just on the opposite side of the light ..

spin them move them it's all healthy


Well-Known Member
Yup yup... im down for rotating them.. lol, you gotta be fair to every leaf, bud, stem, etc.. the light should be distributed equally among the plants =) ... im not a pro.. but this i know :P