Spider mites just moved in, advice?


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I feel like this mighty wash is about to do work on these mites, along with them no pest strips. Good shit tho thanks bro


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I just dont like putting anything on my plants other than water. Any chemical that lands on the plants' leaves I dont want in my lungs, or my friends lungs. When I got infestations, I'd spray the plants down in my shower with good old fashion water every other day for one week. Make sure you get the underside of the leaves as that's where they lay their eggs and like to hide! The No-Pest strips penetrate all the small corners and even the top layer of soil and controls the pests. After seeing how efective they are, they are now standard in my room, even before any sign of pests. I have never had any problems with my grows since using them. I replace them once every three months (and they're cheaper than the other options I've seen!)


Active Member
Trust me bro i feel you, i HATE putting any sort of chemicles in my plants, im all for that organic delicious taste ect. But wouldnt showering the plant every other day create a tremendouse amounts of water in the soil? Creating mold ect? Caus if i shower em every other day my soil is going to be wayy to moist. Or isnt it done another way? I just know ive over watered an a layer of mold instantly created on the top of the soil if i didnt let them dry out than water


A product that has seem to work the best that most people havent heard of (because alot of people use preditors neem oil and other things) is mycotorl o. It is a expensive product but it will work the first time you spray it on the plants or add a small amount with water in the soil. It can be hard to come by and is the most effective yet organic spray you can put on your plants. Just mix 2 tbls. in a 20 oz. spray bottle and put it on the tops and bottoms of the leaves. just to were it mists the plants but doesnt drip off or makes big drops on the leaves. The problem will be cured within 24 hours. after treating them with the spray and waiting 48 hours, give them a gental wash and they will be good!

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
A product that has seem to work the best that most people havent heard of (because alot of people use preditors neem oil and other things) is mycotorl o. It is a expensive product but it will work the first time you spray it on the plants or add a small amount with water in the soil. It can be hard to come by and is the most effective yet organic spray you can put on your plants. Just mix 2 tbls. in a 20 oz. spray bottle and put it on the tops and bottoms of the leaves. just to were it mists the plants but doesnt drip off or makes big drops on the leaves. The problem will be cured within 24 hours. after treating them with the spray and waiting 48 hours, give them a gental wash and they will be good!
I guarantee it can't touch Mighty Wash.


Active Member
To shower my plants and avoid getting water into the soil I place a garbage bag around the pot and twist tie the bag around the base of the stem of the plant.


Active Member
Yeah im not going to put any soap in the mighty wash. I should have that today tho, as long as i make it to the hydro store in time


Well-Known Member
I like using the hot shot pest strips that spew noxious poisens for Spider mites. A tobacco tea made with the tobacco from 3 organic cigarettes is a good organic alternative. Also you could try a sulfur vaporizer.

My main suggestion would be to kill all affected plants and burn them, clean the entire room use the hot shot pest strips for a month then start anew. Thats what I did when i found spider mites and it worked like a charm.... be sure to clean the room again after using the pest strips though


Well-Known Member
Laso azamax, azatrol, and other neem based products are good to use as a preventative (They mess with the spider mites ability to reproduce, but often times with a full blown infestation they will not work 100%)


Active Member
I see, killing the infected plants is an option but im in such an early stage of mites that i believe i could kill all the mites before any damage gets done. They havent formed any webbing yet ect so the problem has just begun.
I know this entire time ive been talking about using mighty wash, well i just couldnt wait for the mighty wash to arrive in the mail so i went ahead and bought some SNS 217 from the hydro store and it has worked like a charm. Im good friend with the owner of this particular hydro store and this is what he reccomended to me. Ive used it once and the results are fantastic, havent seen a mite since. He assured me its an organic form of spray to rid mites and i trust him. Im sure its not 100% organic but i can work around it. Ever since i sprayed it i have seen no mites what so ever. My plan is continue using this product and washing it off the time soon before harvest. Everybody Let me know your experiences with SNS 217 and tell me what your think, it seems to be working miracles with my crops


Active Member
I used hotshots for 2 spotted mites. I couldn't even find a mite after day 3. It's day 15 and checking everyday, still no mites. I have a microscope and still see eggs however, but ita getting to the point where I think the eggs might be dead. Just for the hell of it I also mighty washed twice, but that shit is too expensive. I also used insecticidal soap once.


Well-Known Member
I second burning the room...as I think this is the only 100% effective way to kill spider mites...flame thrower plus napalm = dead spider mites...


Active Member
haha i cant torch my room id probably fuck up and burn my house down. but i was waiting for mighty wash in the mail and in the mean time i picked up some SNS-217 mite killer. my local hydro store owner recommended. but i have noticed it is not 100% effective. Ever since using it on my bud plants i have not noticed any other mites since but i did notice some still alive on my pepper plants. every time i use it i do not see anymore mites crawling around but the day after there are a few. The SNS is supposed to kill the mites and their eggs. I am kind of upset because i paid $45 for this spray and mites are still lurking around. Although I am happy not to see any mites on my bud plants but since i notice them on the pepper plants i know there still around. My idea is to use this until i run out than switch over to the mighty wash which i received a day or two ago. along with strips. it sucks having to deal with bugs, its just more money to spend