spider mite hell....


Active Member
hey guys,

I thought i'd share some experiences me and a couple buddies have just gone through. We "aquired" some White Widow clones from a local grower, and it appears this guys runs a real dirty grow. All of his grow is infested with spider mites. Anyways, after all three of us found this out, we decided to all try different methods of eradication. Now i know this isnt grounbreaking news, but I wanted to verify what works. One of us was using Kalthane, and malathion, rotating.... And another guy using safers soap, and Malathion, and I found a post on Rosemary oil.

After that, me and my buddy started using the Rosemary oil, with Safers soap, and he started a regime of sparaying EVERY day, and after a week, he hasnt seen one bug..... The Roesemary oil works awesome. I started my own mix. I'm using Rosemary oil, safers soap, and Kalthane mixed, and after a week, I cannot find one mite..... I sprayed every day, after 3 days I rinse them off and give them a day break, then start over.... We found that its imperative that they are sprayed EVERY day, NOT every second, or third day... THIS is what breaks their cycle.

my mix is 2l RO water, 10 ml rosemary oil, 2-3 tbl spoons safers soap, 5ml kalthane. This mix wacks mites, and their eggs dead!

there you go, give it a try!


Active Member
I use a local stuff.
Garlic oil and Canola oil mixed 50/50
Spray every 3 days, kills on contact, all mites dead by 3'rd spray.


Active Member
MightyWash. Don't waste your time with anything else unless you just want to keep them mites to a manageable level.