Speed and weed


Well-Known Member
doin weed with speed.

was at the dealers hes pretty cool he gave me 3 grams of speed on the house also got a quatr of him smoked a bowl then left. i read about those cannacrackers so decided to make em.

i dont really do many drugs like speed or coke but decided to try it out

i ate the cannacrackers but should i take the speed maybe 2 or 3 lines.

my question is has anyone tried speed and weed at the same time whats it like im just afraid one will cancel the other out.


Well-Known Member
Free speed huh?
Dude is trying to get you hooked.
So that you'll be back begging for more.

Speed can be fun, but take it easy. It can hook you without you realizing it.


Well-Known Member
its called get u ho0ked so he has those financial ho0ks in ya.,.,get u strung out enuf to brainwash ya.,.,dont be a dunce smoke the weed and dash way the speed


Well-Known Member
what can you learn about yourself by takin speed? personally I'd much rather have the spiritual experience of the herb than gettin all jacked up then crashin out. not my call though


Well-Known Member
fuck the speed stick to weed, i had a dealer like yours, what a bastard, punch him in the face.......


Well-Known Member
he gon have u suckin cocky 4 speed.,.,thats his plan.,.,pimps do that to,lol.,.,get hos ho0ked,and put em on the strip


Well-Known Member
mannnn fuck a bunch of that shit..

fuck meth and speed... that's the main shit on the streets that's causing alot of attention.. and killing people every minute of every day.

If we could get rid of all the meth and speed.. we could cure alot of violence in the world..

but yeah.. fuck a bunch uh that shit.

I like to be mellow.. chilled out and shit.

anywho.. im out.

'hope your teeth don't rot out from all that crack and meth! ...ignorant bastards. :)


Well-Known Member
again - i do not condone speed use - i used it a few times then continued for a year or so - i look back and chills run up my spine...

anyway - when i would take some i always had a little weed - it took off the painful edge and made the experience more like a psychedelic dream.. it is an interesting combo - if you have taken the speed to actually do something though - if you like meant to fix your car or something - weed makes the whole thing quite confused - possibly even paranoid..

if you're going to take it - just do one little line to start with - you will feel it right away and you can always take more later..

mark my words though - it is up there with other strong addictive things - tomorrow you won't think "no big deal - i won't want that for a while" - it will be more like "jesus where is that guy - i want another rock right fucking now...." i don't know exactly why - it makes you feel like shit kind of so that you want more especially after the comedown..

it was right after i stopped meth that i was diagnosed with schizophrenia.. coincidence?


Well-Known Member

I was hooked on Oxycottin's and the other ones.

oh! yeah, the Roxies. They're just like the Oxycottin.. only they're called Roxycodone instead of Oxycodone.

The roxies were the little blue round pills.. with the M stamped on one side of the pill.. then they have either 30 or 15 and I think they even had 10 stamped on the other side.. to resemble the milligram dosage of the pill.

Man, those things were fucking awsome for a while.. but then I was hooked. Starting doing things I never would do. Like steal from my family.. break their trust in me.... it almost fucked my life up.

But once the withdraw symptoms got too bad to handle (like the cold sweats; shaking for long periods of time; goose bump chills; cold chills;) it was PURE fucking hell man.

Anywho, once I had burned all my bridges.. I pretty much broke down and took my happy ass to the Methadone clinic here in town.

I started out just snorting them... but then one of my friends (who first introduced me to these pills in the first place) he started shooting them up. I didn't want to.. but I thought ehh just one time. Then never again. Well, of course just doing it once or twice.. I wasn't having any withdraw from them... but I was like well I'll just do one or two more pills... then never again.

That's when it got out of control...

anywho, Im just glad i got the fuck off those things.

Happy Holiday's people!



Well-Known Member
no you got it the other way around man! its the weeeeed that supports the terrorists..havent your heard that on the news?? hahaha :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

I'll always be smoking. period.

there anything good on TV tonight?

fucking stoned and bored....

27 years old.. single.. home.. on Saturday!
Saturday night at that... and nothing to

Sure, I could hit downtown and hit the bars up.. see who's out.. see if I see anyone I recognize... but even that get's old quick. I can't wait to go back home. Back to NJ damn it..

Arkansas sucks... sorry if anyone takes that personal. Just my opinion. :)

It wouldn't be that bad... if the local government would maybe put in a water park.. or.... put in another mall... orrr... ehh I dunno. You guys get paid to figure that out... so take my examples and use them for fucks sake.

I mean its like when you hear someone say the name Arkansas.. the immediate thing that pops into their heads.. is rednecks; inbreds; people that live here have no teeth or VERY bad teeth... and who knows what else. LOL.

But, it actually not that bad. As long as your in one of the following cities -------:
Little Rock, Ar.
Fort Smith, Ar.
Fayetteville, Ar.

your good as long as your in one of those three cities. LOL.

man im stoned.. i really need to go and finish up making this batch of hash.

happy holiday's to everyone :sleep:


Well-Known Member
hey i live in ireland the speed isnt quite the same to what you guys have not as strong i would imagine.

No but he is a cool guy he clears my debt if its up to 20 or 30 and gives me free weed sometimes.

i think this is all il be doing anyway il keep the rest special occasion christmas etc.

i did two very small lines. not so bad what color is it meant to be mines white.


Well-Known Member
and thanks again i definately takin it no further.

another small question a friend of mine she started takin coke and im pretty sure shes getting addicted.
the good thing is she listens to me and if i can get her to stop what are the withdrawel symptoms.
I really do want to do it the wrong way and mess it up and she gets really addicted.



Well-Known Member
hey i live in ireland the speed isnt quite the same to what you guys have not as strong i would imagine.

No but he is a cool guy he clears my debt if its up to 20 or 30 and gives me free weed sometimes.

i think this is all il be doing anyway il keep the rest special occasion christmas etc.

i did two very small lines. not so bad what color is it meant to be mines white.
a cool guy wouldnt be trying to increase another persons addictions lol, i have mixed with lots of dealers, its in their nature...........