"Special" (*cough* mutant) Hashberry


Active Member
Alrighty, I have a one very special Hashberry plant that seems to be drumming to its own beat so to speak. Now this little one has had a rough life. When it first sprouted, it had only one large deformed cotyledon leaf. Then when the true leaves came in, there was only one of them as well. Then I believe my cat felt sorry for it. She snuck into my grow room when my back was turned, chewed up the cotyledon, chewed off most of the first leaf, and then ripped the plant out of the soil and left it sprawled on the ground. There were still roots intact so I replanted it and left it alone to fight for its life. It took a bit for it to recover, but it seems to be doing much better now and has been growing new leaves....but the plant is still confused....

Here is a top view:

After recovering and beginning growth again, the next set of leaves came in. However, instead of 2 stems, there were 3 with one of the stems splitting at the end into what looks like 2 leaves on each split section:

When the next set came in, I had no idea what to expect and was surprised to see 4 stems growing at once:

2 of these stems each support a single fan leaf. The other two stems each have 2 sets of leaves at the end opposite one another:

Now I really don't know what will happen next, but it should be an interesting. Oh, this plant is 23 days from sprouting. Here is another Hashberry plant that sprouted on the exact same day (LST'd). As you can see, the growth difference is considerable and this other Hashberry is quite normal:

So, what is everyone's thoughts on this? Will the plant correct itself like I have read some do later in growth? I guess time will tell.

If these pictures are too large, please let me know and I will correct them. Thanks!


Active Member
Ugh. I just realized I posted this under the wrong account. I wanted to delete the Tiah12 account, but couldn't figure out how so I made a new one for posting (this one). I didn't realize the computer I posted this on was still logged in as the old account (I don't use it as much). Oh well. If any moderator can fix that so the post is to Catnip and can delete the Tiah12 account, I'd appreciate it. If not, I'll just pretend the Tiah one doesn't exist. :-/ Ugh, sorry for the mess up!

Rivers2gates: If she does correct herself, it is like she already topped herself. I don't think I'm going to LST this one just so I can clearly see how the new growth comes in.

Pterzw: Thanks. I'm actually not very camera literate. I know the camera can do all sorts of things to help me take good pictures, but it is mostly foreign to me. I haven't mustered the excitement to actually learn more about it. Probably won't either. LOL.