Space Question

Hello all. I am nearing harvest on my first serious grow.:mrgreen: It is working so well I want to set up properly for the next. To do that I need some information form those of you who have done this several times. The how I pretty much have and just need to practice, and I have the equipment, but I don’t know how much space I need for the four stages; vegetative, flowering, drying, and curing.
I don’t want your actual sizes, unless you want to give them, but how much of the whole operations floor space is devoted to each. For example if you had 32 sq. ft. in flower, 16 sq. ft. in vegetative, 12 sq. ft. for drying, and 4 sq.ft. curing storage that would be 50% for flower, 25% for vegetative, 19% for drying, and 6% for cure storage.
I am not going to be big because I grow only for a friend and I at present but I want to get set up properly so I don’t find I am short in one of the spaces. Can you help me out?:blsmoke:
Hi, Thanks for the response. I am legal and want to stay that way so I can currently grow only 6 mature plants and 6 more in clone/veg. My plan is to grow wide plants by training and have those plants fill 40 sq. ft. That can, when I get it right, produce 40 ounces about every 4-5 months. My room is 11' by 11' so leaving 20% for equipment and my access I have about 100 sq. ft. to work with and wanted to know if I should have more flower space and how to divide up the rest. I have humidity and temperature control, holding about 40% RH and cooling to 60s at night and up to 80 day. I have a CO2 controller but have not used it as it goes in last. I currently have 1000 watts HPS and 240 watts high intensity fluorescent. I was looking for percentage space numbers because in my case that is how many sq. ft. I need for each.
I hope this information helps,
Michael Mummert