Sour d and shiva


Well-Known Member
they look ready id give them at the very least 4 more days of flushing because u reallllly dont want to be smoking buds that taste like your reservoir water with nutes in it.


Well-Known Member
yes i would have said pull them but you let the nutes go too long. the plant has to use up what is inside, so you get a clean smoke, even burn and grey ash. another week my freind. i have smoked some shit that was sprayed during the last few days and the shit popped sparks out when you put a flame to it. you do not want chemicals in there when you smoke. late...oh yeah and they look great brov.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, your genetics of Sour Diesel look exactly like mine did (seems alot of diff diesels out there) and I let mine go 67 days. I would flush for 10 days at the end though. Looks good