Sounds fishy


I have multiple large (75 gal) fish tanks. They stay clean via filters which collect most of the uneaten fish food, fish droppings,
fish urine. I wonder if anyone has used the contents of one of these filters for feeding/fert. your plants ?
I would start with a 10:1
clean water to fish residue.
Any thoughts ?
PS my name is Roberoo, a new guy to this fourm, but I really appreciate some of the work people have done in an attempt to educate others to the science of agriculture. Some of the picts are really worth a 1000 words. Thanks !


i have used a perlite mix on top of my fish tank that ran the the water from the fish tank into the perlite to water my plants. the left over water when then drip pack into a fish tank. The fert. from the fish residue is great for the plants