SOS I don't know if it can recover

I woke up to bad stem damage looks like some sort of pest chewed through the first set of real leaves. I don't know if it can recover anyone have experience.



Well-Known Member
Dose it have a growing tip? Sorry cant really see. But if so it should, if no then sorry. It kinda looks like their is a tip tho.


Well-Known Member
It can still probably recover, but you obviously have some type of pest doing damage. Probably a rabbit, gopher, rat, or other 'digging' type rodent. Could also be a deer, they love to chew new growth/tips.

I would put chicken wire around your ladies if possible. Human hair, dog hair, dog piss, dog scat are all good natural repellents. A buddy of mine feeds his dog a big portion of meat and collects his poop the next day. He mixes it with water and pours circles around his guerilla grows out in the woods and swears by it. Obviously your in containers, but hair/poop of a meat eating animal works really good. Another friend of mine asks for hair from a local barber shop once a year just for this purpose.


Well-Known Member
It can still probably recover, but you obviously have some type of pest doing damage. Probably a rabbit, gopher, rat, or other 'digging' type rodent. Could also be a deer, they love to chew new growth/tips.

I would put chicken wire around your ladies if possible. Human hair, dog hair, dog piss, dog scat are all good natural repellents. A buddy of mine feeds his dog a big portion of meat and collects his poop the next day. He mixes it with water and pours circles around his guerilla grows out in the woods and swears by it. Obviously your in containers, but hair/poop of a meat eating animal works really good. Another friend of mine asks for hair from a local barber shop once a year just for this purpose.
NICE thanks, I tried blood meal (as was told by my dro shop) but rabbits still munch away. Have to give the dog dodo and hair mic a try :-)


Well-Known Member
I've heard blood meal and other organics can actually attrack certain pests, although you would think blood meal might have the same effect.

Hydro shop guys are just like you and me, lol. They know what they've heard and what works for them and the sell it as gospel. Just today I wanted to buy cheaper coco choir so the guy at my hydro store told me to buy Fox Farms Coco Loco. I never checked the bag-it even says coco choir on the front. When I got home I realized it was a coco based potting mix with a hole bunch of organic stuff in it...absolutely NOT what I said I wanted or needed. I wasn't even mad because I know better then to trust the guy at the store : /


Well-Known Member
Your answer is yes some thing can still grow out of this.Transplant an fill that long stem in with soil. That stem will become your root mass.


Well-Known Member
If their is no growing tip, what do you think is going to grow, one leaf? As long as their is a growing tip and your cotyledons yes it will still grow.


Well-Known Member
I gave a grow tip. If you cant interpret it Its not my fault. There is still a leaf node present.Look at it man.


Well-Known Member
Your answer is yes some thing can still grow out of this.Transplant an fill that long stem in with soil. That stem will become your root mass.
What he said ^ just happened to me. The plant for sure rooted, nice roots multiple of them from the re-buried stem, and my plant is 1/5th the size of the one in your picture. If you bury it the plant will root all the way up that stem, or it will probably just keep on growing as is if you just keep your eye on it? Grow on.