something wrong with my gdp clone, advicehelp please 1000w, granddaddy purple


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Put some domes over them and raise the humidity!! Quick! they be way to young to be acclimated to full lighting conditions. Hurry!! you havent much time.


Well-Known Member
what is a humidity dome? my humidity is at 46%, im thinking im jut going to buy a humidifier...? my 1000w light is about 20in above the clones...are they looking bad?


Well-Known Member
temporarly you could water them, them put some syran wrap over them, but soon as they perk up they may be too tall but it may work for a little bit? Good luck man

yuri orlov

Well-Known Member
that pik was right after they wer cutt so u cant see the water on the dome that lets me kno that the humi is good

Subtle Hustle

Active Member
what is a humidity dome? my humidity is at 46%, im thinking im jut going to buy a humidifier...? my 1000w light is about 20in above the clones...are they looking bad?

A friendly suggestion the light may be to intense your using a 1000w is a lot for those babies. i only use one 4' florescent till they root then gradualy adapt them such intense light.


Well-Known Member
Clones and young seedlings need LOTS of humidity to get a good start. 100% humidity is not uncomon. Watering will only drown the little beasties. Enclose the tops of your pots with a container of some kind. Even tupperware. With those 1K watt lights, tupperware will reduce the light and heat produced and give the little ones a chance to acclamate to the new larger pots. Mist the inside of the tupperware container to instantly raise the humidity quick, and place it over your clones. Got my fingers crossed for ya.



Active Member
yeah baby plants like yours need at least 60-70 % humidity. best is around 90 but for now u need to get those guys some coverage like everyone else is sayn. best of wishes to ur babies


Well-Known Member
hey fellow growers i just took some pics of my gdp clones, some of them look normal, and some of them have a thin light green/yellow color to them...I JUST WATERED TODAY WITH JUST OVER A 1/4 GALLON FOR EACH PLANT. I USED ADVANCED NUTES SENSI A AND SENSI B GROW WITH THE WATERING. I DID NOT CHECK MY RUN OFF, BUT I USED WATER WITH A PH OF 6.2 , ANY THOUGHTS? TIPS? COMMENTS? VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!



Well-Known Member
spray em, i dont use a dome, just t5 lights and spray 2 times a day. it looks like the clone hase not even rooted yet. you need to use rockwool. late


Well-Known Member
they were in rockwool....i hope they survive what are my chances that they will? ive been keeping the ph at about 6.2...only spray during dark hours right??????


Well-Known Member
drop to 5.5 or so on ph, and they have a good chance of making it if you give them the proper care (i have seen worse). late

ps. also make sure it is not too cold in there, because this will impede growth.