Something weird happened?

I have about 8 plants some in the ground and some in 5 gallon pots. They are random bag seed. About 2 weeks ago one of the plants started showing pistols every where, which I thought was weird because I thought that day light had to be around 12 for them to start showing sex. Well, anyway I went and checked in her today and all the pistols are gone. I was wondering if something weird happened like it thought it was going into flower and it switched back to veg. Should I continue with the flowering nutes or switch to veg? Is there anyway it could be a male? This has got me concerned a bit. Im getting a bit over 14 hrs of day light right now. Advice please. - Thanks


Well-Known Member
Are you perhaps talking about them poky things on each internode... lol sorry I don't know terms but there are 4 poky things on each inter node they are normal


Well-Known Member
post pics on the area you are referring too..

could have been the heat what location are you?


Well-Known Member
As far as the "early flowering"....they aren't blooming that early.
. They normally start in July [a couple of weeks after the solstice-the longest day cycle if the year] and will finish around Sept-Oct....Short;y AFTER the EQUINOX...which is 12/12 in nature.


Sex is shown during veg stage. Don't change your feed schedule because of this. There's probably nothing wrong here at all, but a picture would help. :)


Well-Known Member
I had three White Ice plants outside last year which showed their preflowers in July and then they receded and it wasn't until mid August that actual flowering began. I wouldn't sweat least you know they're females! :smile:
I went today and did some close studying on the plant. There were very few hairs on her that I could find. No the stipulates are still there, but the stipulates had split and white hairs came out everywhere now there are very few. I will post pics tomorrow when I go back. When the preflowers started showing very heavy I started flowering nutes and now I don't know what to do? Thanks for the replies