something keeps digging up plants in the corn


Active Member
every time i go out to check them something was always diggin them up iv lost a couple now cause of it,what should i do?


Well-Known Member
it could be coons or skunks, they are espescially drawn to fish emulsions fert. and other animal based fert.


Well-Known Member
Ya, you gota think something is attracting them to your root zone especially this time of the year (plenty for the critters to eat). Root zone critters are hard yet easy to stop. Using liquid fence probably won't work, but watering heavily to work out what ever is attracting them may work. Problem with heavy watering is plants are not always in a prime location to water heavily. You can also put up wire fencing, just dig down about 12 inches. Also, growing in the corn has one real major draw back, farmers need pesticides that work so most of them are petro chemical, and are very bad for smoking, their fertz are also pretty bad as well, so be careful.


Well-Known Member
i found ground hogs squirrels and rabbit to like something in peat pods. it took me five or six times tell i found out what the prob was. i placed a motion game camera on them. i think theres salt or something in the peat or glue something. they never dug up any that where in just soil. also they might be looking for water.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your luck ... that was a chance i took also knowing that, that might be a problem and the same thing happened to me. But i was hit for 7 mother plants that were already 3 feet tall before planting they were about to be some fucking monsters i mean strains that were just the shit a my prize blueberry gum that i had no clones of took the fall.. If i knew better i would do better but yes its the fish emulsion../ peace


Well-Known Member
never used fish. but was thinking about it im glad i read this. u think it is racoons or what?


Well-Known Member
it could be coons or skunks, they are espescially drawn to fish emulsions fert. and other animal based fert.
Racoons would be my guess also

i had some plants that i feed molasses through the whole grow

every time i went out they were dug up and you could see some claw marks also , ( but the plant was fine ) i had to keep re planting them

but they ended up not making it do to the stress and shock from the constantness of the racoons digging em up

they were attracted to the sweet smell from the molasses

i still use it , just not nearly as often now lol