Somebody plz help seriously....... :,(


There was a problem with this mother plant but it's clones were doing fine until the other day, they are starting to look like the mother

Top leaves are curling under and turning crispy while new growth is turning lime green - yellow and twisting and not growing.

Tap water IS being used (no $ = no RO filter and ect)
Ph: 6.0
Medium: coco and pearlite
Nutrients: organic based Botanicare nutes (vegatative blend, liquid karma, cal-mag, sweet) and super-thrive (directions on back are followed)
Photo-period: 18/6
Lights: Compact fluorescents
Temp: Low
Fed nutes: Every other watering (pretty much twice - 3 times a month)

The mother was having bad problems. When it was fed, problems got worst. Mother was flushed and is still having the same problems.

The clones are now starting to have same problems

Any ideas?:sad:



All together, it may be about a year old, but this mother is a third generation ( original plant -> clone (mother of plant in picture) -> plant in pictures (clone 2)

this plant is maybe a month and half - 3 months old, but the plant was looking fine till about 2 weeks ago
the clones that were taken from her were doing fine also just until yesterday...


Active Member
has anything changed in the area u grow since then? temps? ANYTHING? Im personaly at a loss, but i can see no one else is helping u so ill try my best to help u problem solve... how old would u say the DNA is (not just the plant, but the actual genetic make up that you have been passing along) sometimes plants just die... it happens, everything has to die and DNA can get fucked up over time. If ur working off of something thats seed was planted 5 years ago chances are you just need a new mother, but i dont REALLY know, like i said. Im just throwin out a few suggestions untill someone who knows somethin shows up. lol.


the genetics since seed is about a year old (seeds are Himalayan gold from greenhouse seed co)
and no, no conditions have changed except the weather outside is getting cooler.


Active Member
They look kinda small to be giving that much/many ferts. to them, maybe back off the ferts a bit and see if they snap out of it. =)


New Member
Looks like not enough light and or root bound. You should back off the ferts and not overdue the ph. Keep the ph at 6 for clones and in veg or a bit higher and 5.3 to 5.7 in bloom. Water temps must not be to hot or looks like to cool in your case. Heat it up a bit and don't worry about the water if you let it sit out for 24 hours it will work great. You don't need cal with tap water at all. Tap water has lots no mater where you are and mag as well. I don't use coco. Have seen lots of issues with that medium. Go with Hydroton for best results.. A non reactive non issue medium.. I use botanicare in flower and nothing much else but some overdrive and it works great. My clones were dead, that is D E A D!! No one thought they had a chance. Brown, fungus, no roots, rez water infection, all from bugs on blooming plants I had no choice but to take clones from because of whiteflies.. I now have 21 of 28 of them back alive and it was nothing short of a miracle and some h2o2. Use it. And don't hurt yourself with it. Use three part GH flora nova for rooted clones and veg. Works great and on gallon of each will last you forever. Then Botanicare in flower. I wish you luck.. I brought plants from dead to life so maybe you should listen to me.. Oops. Never mind. I misread and thought you were hydro... My bad.... Root bound though is still my guess and or over water now that I look again and you need more light and or heat maybe.. To cold is bad mmmmkaayyyy!

There was a problem with this mother plant but it's clones were doing fine until the other day, they are starting to look like the mother

Top leaves are curling under and turning crispy while new growth is turning lime green - yellow and twisting and not growing.

Tap water IS being used (no $ = no RO filter and ect)
Ph: 6.0
Medium: coco and pearlite
Nutrients: organic based Botanicare nutes (vegatative blend, liquid karma, cal-mag, sweet) and super-thrive (directions on back are followed)
Photo-period: 18/6
Lights: Compact fluorescents
Temp: Low
Fed nutes: Every other watering (pretty much twice - 3 times a month)

The mother was having bad problems. When it was fed, problems got worst. Mother was flushed and is still having the same problems.

The clones are now starting to have same problems

Any ideas?:sad:


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say they look over nuted. but here i jacked this from another site:
Quite often I hear groans from folks having leaf problems -> “Help, my leaves are cupping and the leaf edges are turning brown!”, or, “My plant's leaf tips are curling down and turning black ....what's wrong?” Unless insect damage has occurred or the plant is suffering from a severe case of calcium deficiency, the plant is trying to tell you that it is water stressed. It's hard to tell *exactly* what the culprit is, and unfortunately the “solution” the grower chooses many times is not the right one. A mis-diagnosis only serves to make matters worse by promoting further decline. I’ll try to cover some of the more common causes that can induce these common symptoms and try to offer a few simple solutions. The ultimate and correct solution is in the hands of the grower.

1. Over-fertilizing - the most common cause of leaf cupping aka leaf margin rolling, leaf margin burn, and leaf tip curl/burn is the overzealous use of too much plant food in relationship to factors such as plant vigor and rate of growth. The first unit of a plant to show moisture stress is the leaf at its margins and/or tips, reflected by margin rolling (cupping) or burning. A hard, crispy feel to the leaf frequently occurs as well, as opposed to a soft and cool feel of a happy leaf. When you have a high concentration of salts in solution (in the root medium) compared to the salinity levels found in the plant’s tissue, water is actually drawn out of the plant across the root gradient in order to fix the ppm imbalance. IOW, this is a natural, osmotic response that serves to equalize salinity levels on both sides of the root’s epidermal gradient. Back off on the amount and/or frequency of plant food. Too much plant food can also burn the roots, especially the sensitive root tips, which then creates another set of problems. Note - as soil dries, the concentration of the remaining salts rises further exacerbating the problem.

2. High Heat - the plant is losing water via it’s leaves faster than what can be replaced by the root system. The leaf responds by leaf margin cupping or rolling up or down (most times up) in order to conserve moisture. A good example is reflected by the appearance of broad-bladed turf grass on a hot summer day, high noon, with low soil moisture levels - the leaf blade will roll upward/inward with the grass taking on a dull, greyish-green appearance. Upon sunrise when moisture levels have returned to normal, the leaf blade will be flat. Lower the heat and concentrate on developing a large, robust root system by practicing sound plant culture. An efficient and effective root system will go a long way to prevent heat induced leaf dessication and leaf margin curling. One short episode of high heat is enough to permanently disable or destroy leaf tissue and cause a general decline in the leaves affected, which often occurs to leaves found at the top of the plant. The damaged leaf (usually) does not fully recover, no matter what you do. Bummer in the summer. One can only look to new growth for indications that the problem has been corrected.

3. High Light - yes, it’s true, you can give our faves too much light. Cannabis does not receive full sun from sunrise to sunset in its natural state. It is shaded or given reduced light levels because of adjacent plant material, cloudy conditions, rain, dust, twilight periods in the morning and late afternoon, and light intensity changes caused by a change in the seasons. Too much light mainly serves to bleach out and destroy chlorophyll as opposed to causing leaf cupping, but it often goes hand-in-hand with high heat for indoor growers. Again, back off on the light and concentrate on developing/maintaining an efficient and robust root system.

4. Overwatering - for those doing soil, this practice only serves to weaken the root system by depriving the roots of proper gas exchange. IOW, the roots are not getting enough oxygen which creates an anerobic condition inducing root rot and root decline with the end result showing up as leaf stress, stunted growth, and in severe cases, death. <gasp!> Overwatering creates a perfect environment for damp-off disease, at, or below the soil line. Alot of times folks think the plant is not getting enough plant food (which it can't under such adverse conditions), they add more nutes for a "curative", and just add insult to injury.

5. Underwatering - not only is the plant now stressed due to a low supply of adequate moisture, but carbohydrate production has been greatly compromised (screwed up). Step up the watering frequency, and if need be, organic growers may need to water from the bottom up until moisture levels reach a norm throughout the medium. If the pot feels light to the lift - it&#8217;s time to water. Don&#8217;t wait until the soil pulls away from the sides of the pot or leaves droop before you water. And of course, leach once in a while to get rid of excess salts.

All of the above issues relate to a plant's internal cell turgor or cell water pressure. If water pressure within the plant's stem and leaf cells are positive, the plant will look strong and stocky with flat leaves that are cool to the touch due to good transpiration from the leaf surface. By the same token, if the water pressure is not up to par, whereby water is being extracted from the plant and not replenished like it should be.... the leaves and/or stems will droop.


Every other watering (pretty much twice - 3 times a month)
SIMPLE, they're parched. You should be watering these ladies way more often than just 4-6 times a month. Growing in soil like i do allows for less watering than coco but even so I water about every 3 days.


New Member
Exactly.. And this weed takes up lots more space for roots than you would think.. I have grown them in 10 gal dirt and they were 37 inches when done and the dirt was all roots and those are big pots bro... So more root space, less ferts, less water, more light. Clones love wet air so don't dry them out either.. Good luck... Ps. People and myself allways sooner or later over do ferts.. More is not always better. I actually made my late big flowering plants go back into leafing because of to much bloom nutes late.. Less is better..
They look kinda small to be giving that much/many ferts. to them, maybe back off the ferts a bit and see if they snap out of it. =)


hm... ill start leaving some water out for 24 hours before use, should i leave em outside or indoors?
It is possible that it is rootbound but i didnt know rootbound came with problems like this....
someone told me it looked like a calcium deficiency, so cal-mag was added to it, but it made it a hella lot worst.... I'm thinking maybe it was cal-mag overdose


New Member
Thought I saw someone post they were underwatered.. Bro don't listen to that because I have seen many under watered plants and they never look like those.


the leaves have been misted everyday for humidity.
maybe i should use a different medium? because mine says wet, but not too wet for a long period of time so i know its not under watered


New Member
Right on! No more cal-mag if you use tap water. Leave it out anywhere you want but uncovered. Also call your water provider and ask if they use just clorine to sanitize. I did that myself took me all of 3 minutes.. Some municipalities use a more complicated chemical that will not go away like chlorine but I don't have that in ours.. Use rapid rooters if you need a medium for your clones and not coco. Heard bad things about coco and nothing bad ever happens with rapid rooters. Go easy on the nutes, weeds sometimes die in good dirt because they like bad dirt so should tell you something about how tough a weed can be. Good luck....
hm... ill start leaving some water out for 24 hours before use, should i leave em outside or indoors?
It is possible that it is rootbound but i didnt know rootbound came with problems like this....
someone told me it looked like a calcium deficiency, so cal-mag was added to it, but it made it a hella lot worst.... I'm thinking maybe it was cal-mag overdose


Active Member
What part Widower? lol
All of it, even the part about... the ... water... That part was genious.
haha, no I have no clue, but im on my first grow so now that ive seen ur plants and gotten everyones diagnoses I guess ive learned a little.
Make sure and come back and tell us what you did and if it worked.
It doesnt look like a defeciency to me tho, just for my REAL input (that input should be negated by the fact that im on my first grow and am still learning)
Good luck with your plants tho man, no plant deserves to suffer.