Some budsites turning dark purple.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 9 footers that are budding nicely, one is farther along than the other, they both have hundreds of budsites but I've noticed some budsites looked like they were molding already. I looked closer and it's not mold its just color, very dark purple. It's just on the very tip of the budsite. This has only happened to a few budsites out of hundreds so I"m not very concerned, just curious.

Sorry no picture, my camera sucks at close ups. The buds are very small, all of them about dime sized. and only like 7 of them turned color.

Just wondering if this is just genetics or some kind of deficency.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like genetics to me. I have grown "purple" strains before and the buds turned almost black a few months into flower. Stuff turned out so good that we only pulled it out on special occasions!

See if you can get a pic posted...if it is mold, you will know. That stuff will coat the bud's outer area and it is unmistakable.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Sounds like genetics to me. I have grown "purple" strains before and the buds turned almost black a few months into flower. Stuff turned out so good that we only pulled it out on special occasions!

See if you can get a pic posted...if it is mold, you will know. That stuff will coat the bud's outer area and it is unmistakable.[/QUOTE Genetics! have seen this in the past! look for it to be good smoking too!
I'm getting similar results with a plant that is the same strain as two others ( a week ago i would have guaranteed it) but now it is showing the same purple bits you describe on the budsites. Kinda makes me want to say it has something to do with the specific nutrients it may be getting, cause it is the closest of my plants to a small nearby stream. Purpleness can also come and go on a plant, like it has with mine.

Honestly i have no idea so keep us posted as to what happens? Purpleness can also come and go on a plant, like it has with mine:weed:


Active Member
i have a plant that where the new leaves coming from the budsites are purple with trichomes over it, so have high hopes :)


Well-Known Member
I'm in Indiana and it's been rather cold at nights so I think I'm going with the guy who mentioned temp. I'll take a few pics and see if I can get a good one later.


Well-Known Member
Delta can I ask how your cola stems color? Are they also purple or just the buds?

If it is just the buds I think your ok for the nightime temps you posted.

If your cola stems are also purple you may want to look further.


Well-Known Member
Here is the best pic I can get. Some of my stems are purple but not all of them and not even all of them that have purple budsites. I have one big plant that I left alone and one that I topped, the one that was topped has more of these purple spots than the other. Both have purple stems here and there.

Heres a pic of the two plants in question too. Like I said earlier, I'm not too worried because overall my plants are doing great. Thanks for the replies everyone.



Active Member
Usually you can turn the buds on any plant purple, this is normally caused by the temperature and humidity in the air, i have had silver haze up and turn purple on me, just keep an eye on her she will let you know if its something wrong just by the appearance....


Active Member
She looks good but she could probably use some more nitrogen in her diet she's looking a little yellow


Active Member
As for the buds that just happens sometimes, so many genes and plant variations, shit happens, i wouldnt worry about it....


Well-Known Member
I'm in Indiana. So, it's a few weeks into flowering, you think I should hit them with a little nitrogen? I haven't fed them any nitrogen for about 4 weeks now, I'm under the impression that feeding nitrogen now would hinder bud growth. I had also thought they looked a little yellow on the newer growth but the overall the leaves don't have that yellow on the edges of the leaves so I thought they were well fed. Should I feed them some N this late into flowering or no?