Solar Powered Vegetative Grow Light Setup...??


Well-Known Member
Well the Idea of a small Vegging Setup OR even maybe Full Grow Setup using Solar Power keeps popping back into My head(Tis never far from My mind) Now I've only done a Little(well more & more) research into Solar Power and LED's but I still think done properly it is doable! What got Me interested Originally is the Cheap Kits(well Cheap-ish) on FleaBay - about £200-300 now I know IF you sourced the parts Yourself and chose Higher Spec than you would get better results...But lets say it was in same Price Range as the FleaBay Kits(Which are Rated @ constant(charges batts) 4 x 15w CFL ALL day, what about using something "Like" this to power...Lets say a 60-70w Hans Style LED Panel...

Oh and what about this for a Idea???

Gotta look into this more...



Well-Known Member
For a good grow it would take a couple large panels(like on a house) and batteries to store that energy in for use on cloudy days. At least to produce enough energy for a viable plant. Save time and just put the plant outside. Using light energy to produce light energy and you will always loose power in the transfer..