Soil warming cable


Active Member
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has used or uses soil warming cables? Even though I am going to grow inside, The area where I am going to grow at gets cold and I was thinking of putting some warming cable through the soil to keep it warm. The cable has built in thermostat, which activates at 74.

I would like to know of any other ways that people keep there soil warm and how efficient there way is? The area where I'm going to grow at gets to be around I would say maybe as low as 45. I really don't want to use space heaters to heat up the whole shed if I am able to just keep the soil warm.

What about wrapping the containers in insulation? Would that help or even be worth it? Do you think flower pot heating pads are better?

Thanks for any help you can provide in advance.


Active Member
Your welcome. I'll just buy some I guess and see how it works. Can't hurt and it's cheap enough.