Soil Vs. Water

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
Ok guys and ladies i was just wondering what your takes on soil and water (hydropoinc,aeroponic). potency, quality, and time it takes to grow, etc. im new to the growing so i dont really know the differences anyone feel free to start it!


Well-Known Member
Im An Outdoor Lover Jah Sun And Moon Is Best....but Soil Is Best To Ii Because Ii Tryn Keep It As Natty(natural)as Possible......ii Have A Plant Growing In Soil And Ii Have Fed It Nothing But Water And Molasses Since Creation And It Is Flowering Just Fine...soil Is Best..worms Are Best...the Little Bugs Ii See In My Soil Working To Help Create My Electricollie Are Best!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im hoping for big buds but ii dont fert...the only thing ii fed her was molassess but am not nemore until end of flower...and one time ii blendid up sum pears and put it in sum warm water and molasses and top soil fed but thats it but shes healthy a s could be and flowering well as i would looking for neem oil and fruit bat guano tho and off ii go!!!good luck on your electricollie!!!!!


Well-Known Member
the best weed is grown in soil imo,,,,many world famous growers will tell you that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
well i haven't really smoked a lot of dro to compare the high with soil grown. but i have an aerogarden and its the shit. I have a couple of females and a male but one of the females is the best i've ever grown she's a little monster plant hell bent on taking over the garden and crowding out the others. i may go back to soil grows one day but its hard to decide since i'm having the best luck with an aerogarden. the plants i'm growing are lowryders. sorry if i bragged too much but its hard not to. peace

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
haha nice i heard that you get better flavor out of the buds when you grow them in soil. i cant say much about either cause this is my first grow and its hydro not only that its only in week 2 of flowering but its a beast its about 4 feet.


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen from hydro growing, the plants finish about 25% faster then the ones in soil. I personally like soil growing and have only started my first hydro grow recently. The people I learned from grew exclusivly hydro and wouldn't switch for all the weed in the world. well maybe they would for all the weed in the world.

Dr.Greenthumb Ph.D

Active Member
lol yea what i have been thinging about is starting mothers in hydro grow them bitches quick fast and in a hurry (not literally) but get them big quick then clone the hell out of them. just my theory tho. but yea hydro grow unbeliveably fast. green guy what would you recomend as a good soil to use.