Soil/ph help

Im gonna go to this home gardening store and i want to get some soil do i need some regular soil with nutrients already in it. for the ph i heard if you plant in soil you dont need to worry about ph bc its natural thanks


Active Member
Depends! Are you planning on supplementing your crops at any time with "nutrients" ? If so, I suggest Happy Frog "Brown" . It allows you to, from my experience, have the option of using added nutrients. I use advanced nutrients..... ALL soil has some sort of supplement that aids the seeds that's planted ! :)
You gotta decide first, NUTRIENTS or NOT ? NO NUTES, i would google what "amended soil" for your specific crops would best
Depends! Are you planning on supplementing your crops at any time with "nutrients" ? If so, I suggest Happy Frog "Brown" . It allows you to, from my experience, have the option of using added nutrients. I use advanced nutrients..... ALL soil has some sort of supplement that aids the seeds that's planted ! :)
You gotta decide first, NUTRIENTS or NOT ? NO NUTES, i would google what "amended soil" for your specific crops would best
i bought some soil like this idk if its any good

