Soil PH 7 runoff 5


Active Member
Soil PH with testing rod is 7 but run off is 5-6. My ph meter is new and im testing run off with indicator drops. I spent hours flushing and the soil wouldn't go above 5.5-6 ( used close to 4 gallons per 2 gal pot). The rod read around 7 before i started to flush. I ended up using PH up and it still didn't go up more than 6.

Half Fox farm Half Miracle grow. Miracle grow is pretty bad. When you water the soil gets hot and ph gets unstable. Plant in pure FFOF green all the way through.

After i transplanted in 5gal FFOF the soil runoff was 5.0 EC.

Is fresh oil supposed to lightly cloudy and strong pinsol fresh odor. The consistency was great and held no more water than needed. Just curious about that reading from the runoff. My water EC is .85


Active Member
Just read soil runoff is crap so im happy i got it to 6 at least.
I used a lot of ph up in the flush close to a bottle. I did rinse with plain water following the ph up... then transplanted... then watered it all together after so hopefully it will neutralize. Gotta wait another 2 days and hope my plants blow up and recover so i can flower them by end of next week. There about a foot tall and i just transplanted in 5 gal so hopefully they can boost another 5 inches before flower.

I revived a white widow phenom from nirv and they have been bushes from day 1. Very little vertical and lots of sites starting to reach canopy. Any comments would help. Thanks


Well-Known Member
it takes a couple days after the watering for the Ph to rise.. give it time.. I had issues also(not fox farm).. I couldn't get the runoff up past 5.5 and 5.2 for the other..

it didn't hurt them that much..