Soil mixing


Active Member
I'm about to transplant and i have a bag of ocean forest, cocogro, and vermiblend soil amendment. the question i had is do i just throw it all together and mix or do i do a percent of each?

thanks in advance for those who took time to help


Well-Known Member
It's according to what kind of a mix you want. FF is ready to go out of the bag, you don't need to add anything else.

The last thing is worm castings, right?

I'd mix the coco 4 to 1 with the castings and then mix that with the fox farms at half and half or similar, if you're trying to use all you stuff.

But the ocean forest really is ready to go.


Active Member
i was trying to liten it up a bit, but i added some bigger more chunky pearl lite to it, i really wanted to try the vermi for the mycorrhizae & compost mix, i also used roots organics oregonismXL to put on the root. thanks for taking the time to help out a noobie farmer