Soil Mix


Active Member
So i want to grow soil how do i do it? i want to know what do i put in the put? can you please just tell me exactly what i have to put in and ratios etc


New Member
All my plants are super green and healty growing big each day with this mix i made

60% Miracle Gro Organic Choice - the one meant for ground not pots

mix that with 20% perlite and 20$ sphagnum peatmoss. i have had no burns. not deficiencies. there healthy as can be and works great!


New Member
oh and also my mix is super fucking cheap! The big bag of Mg organic choice cost me like 3$ a bag. dirt cheap no pun intended
i use miracle gro and my baby is over fertilized about to die =\ i blame myself for not using enough water and letting the fertilizer build up in the soil


Active Member
Make it look like potting soil and you'll be ok. Just forget the sand. I know some people like to use it, but I don't. And don't use anymore than 30% peat. Peat is a little acidic but works great to fluff the soil. Check with your county landfill. They prob give away kick ass compost(black dirt) too.