Soil grow help for two mother plants please?


Well-Known Member
Look I am very embaressed to ask I really am but I am hoping someone can help me out.

I want to grow two mother plants for a hydro set up from soil but I have no experience. Currently I am growing by seed which makes my grows far to long. I have a two lamp t-12 2 foot lamp on chains ready to go for the mother plant but I have absolutely no clue as to nutes soil etc. Can someone please hook me up with some info so I can get this rolling to save me time in between crops? Believe me when I say it would be greatly appreciated. :)


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
You could try this. i like you do not want to grow from seed, I experimented with some "Mothers" but they really got too big for my set up. So what I did is veg unknowns till I'm ready to flower, i take clones and flower the vegged plants, destroying any clones that came from any males. rinse and repeat. I find that flowering takes so much longer than vegging and I'm not sure I am gaining anything, plus I'm stuck with the same strain over and over.