soil food web video


Well-Known Member

There's the link its pretty long but I enjoy her presentation of subjects, I found myself practicly breathing in the knowledge, I fucking love this shit. Anyway watch it tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
Nice I'll have to check this out thanks
Ya defiantly check it out but make sure you've or like 2 hours o interrupted free time you wanna roll one light that motherfucker press play sit back and just fucking learn man it's crazy interesting. I've never done a living grow already had seeds in when I really divulged into the subject but it's absolutely all I'll be running period. After pulling 500 lbs of oyster mushrooms in a 2.5 month cycle with a 200 dollar investment and just nature I'm fully convinced what's made in nature should only be replicated by man if he can majorly replicate how nature treats whatever species of life your trying to cultivate. We have absolutely no idea how this planet Galaxy, or universe got here and from my years of inhabiting it its seemed to work and coincide pretty fucking good. Our galaxy could fit on the tip of a sharpened pencil if scaled to proportion with the size of our universe and that fact alone has me pretty positive it wasn't an accident. Who knows what other corresponding organisms or cells are affected by not growing your medicine how the inventor inteded. I will only be growing in soils replicating the ecosystem earth created. I would like to find some papers would like to find some papers on soil in the Hindu mountains, and some soil tests done from general Equatorial sativa parts and try working with those and replicating the exact soil composition from bacteria to silt percentage. And don't get me wrong, I don't eat all organic, I'm not a vegan I don't hug trees without bud, but at the same time I'm entirely consumed by natural things because until we're creating eggs am sperm in a lab that grows to a fully functioning adult, or creating full plants in a lab we are obsolete an know nothing. Just my 2 cents.