Soil and Enhancements


Active Member
Hey, this will be my first grow, I am getting 3 clones and have a few questions regarding the soil. I went to my local hardware store today and found a small bag (about 60cm long/40cm wide/3cm thick) of "Organic Potting Mix", it had pictures of flowers on the bag as was $4.97. I figure I'll need to pick up about 2 or 3 of these bags for my 3 plants but I'm just wondering if this is the right type of soil for my plants?

Also I am wondering what else I should pick up from the store? I'm planning on getting some type of Miracle Gro but I have no idea what kind or what I'm supposed to get? And I can't exactly ask the store clerk what type of Miracle Gro is best for cannabis.


Active Member
Yea I wish i could just buy fox farm but I live in Canada. Would the soil I mentioned above work good though? It seems right but I heard if it has pictures of flowers on the bag thats bad?

Using 2x2x2 holes, mixing 2/3 with the soil I mentioned above and 1/3 with the current shitty rock hard dirt and using superthrive be good?
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Well-Known Member
first off....find a nursery or garden supply store....almost every town has one....look for fox farm or black gold soil....they should have either one....then look for nutrients that have a higher 1st number in the n-p-k for your veg stage and a nutrient that is higher in the 2nd number for flower stage....if at all possible stay away from miracle grow....superthrive is great stuff....just dont over do it a little goes a long way....


Active Member
first off....find a nursery or garden supply store....almost every town has one....look for fox farm or black gold soil....they should have either one....then look for nutrients that have a higher 1st number in the n-p-k for your veg stage and a nutrient that is higher in the 2nd number for flower stage....if at all possible stay away from miracle grow....superthrive is great stuff....just dont over do it a little goes a long way....
Ok first, thank you for replying. Second im really new to this and am a little confused here. Im getting clones and I want to use the same soil from when I put them in the ground to when there harvested. With that being said I will try to find an organic potting mix soil with an npk ratio of something like 20-15-15.

Now what are you saying about getting two different types of superthrive? One higher in the 1st number for veg and one higher in 2nd number for flower stage? If the soil has a npk of 20-15-15 wouldn't I not need to add superthrive for the veg state since its already in the soil? Ive seen front and back of a bottle of superthrive and I cant find anywhere on it where it shows the npk ratio. So when I get 2 bottles of this stuff how do I know which bottle to get for the veg state and which bottle to get for the flower stage?


Active Member
Superthrive is not a nutrient. It is only used when you want your plants to develope a better root system or if you are trying to save a plant that is about to die. I'm not sure about your soil but soils like foxfarms have nutrients already in the soil. After like a month once your plant is about a foot tall you can start to add nutrients which can be bought at a hydroponics store or at the local garden center. I hope this helps GL.


Well-Known Member
the mg soil can be bad becasue it already has nutes in it and might burn your plants. I use a mix of 1pt perlite, 1pt peat moss, 1pt mushroom compost, any kind of compost is fine. I add 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime pergallon of soil. This has little nutes and carries no risk of burning them. Get a water soluble fertilizer so it is easier to control the nutes.


Active Member
Superthrive is not a nutrient. It is only used when you want your plants to develope a better root system or if you are trying to save a plant that is about to die. I'm not sure about your soil but soils like foxfarms have nutrients already in the soil. After like a month once your plant is about a foot tall you can start to add nutrients which can be bought at a hydroponics store or at the local garden center. I hope this helps GL.
Ah alright but after say a month what type of nutrients should I be picking up from a garden store? Isn't there some good cheap dry powder ones I can just mix in the water I give my plant?


Well-Known Member
There is tons of info on here about soil. More than you can possibly read. Subcool describes how he makes his mix in his organics forum. The Miracle Gro question has been debated endlessly, just do a search. Same with nutes, do a search or just look at the stickies on all the forums regarding them.


Well-Known Member

i dont usually get into these but for goodness' sake....

mr. frozen peas, i encourage you to flip over the bag ol' soil you bought at that darn supply store and read the ingredients and hopefully npk value and other micro nutrients.

if not a simple test kit can be purchased from OSH or garden supply store for ph and npk. couple drops here couple there, lid, shake...pretty colors or colours depending. eh. so by knowing what you have you can take some of the guess work out of figuring out what you need, right? for fertalizers and nutrients i think you have a good understanding of veg and flower formulas.

superthive is vitamine b1 hormonal inducer speeder upper tuffer faster. its good.

peace. and happy growing