Well-Known Member
ok i have a 1000 watt hps with a agromax bulb and i have about a 7 foot ceiling in my grow room now my plan was to take these 2 GHS king kush seeds that i got off my last grow. she was feminized just was stressed and only made 2 the only plant out of 17 that did that. but any way i was hoping atleast 1 would be female and i was going to use a 10 gal. and 8-12 weeks veg and hope for 450g.
but just now a friend of mine gave me a bag with ateast 80 seeds that came from like a pound of some kind of kush cuz he doesnt have the space so what should i do.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


grow that shit, especially if they are free. even if only a couple were fem you would have smoke and maybe some profit


Well-Known Member
Grow the feminised, go for the big one pounder. Much less headache than a Sea from seed, imagine trying to get into that bitch to rip out all the males, then u have holes in ur canopy n shit.. Not to mention that if u get busted, then u really only have 1 plant :bigjoint:

Illegal Smile

sog pretty much needs to be clones or feminized seeds.


Active Member
if your going to use your buddies kushy seeds youd prob wanna do sog with your 1000 watter you could throw a bunch under there n if there really kushy like a little stressed hermi you should be straight with females and getta proper harvest sounds like a cool op


New Member
I would plant 5 or 6 eliminate the males and fine the very best female.. Clone her several times then flower for the pound then when the clones root u can give s0g a try


Well-Known Member
ok but say i did get about 50 girls or even 30 these seeds look good in 16oz cups with some good veg what kinda yield would you figure


Active Member
when do you plan on transplanting them from 16oz cups? you could yeild a lot with all of that especially if you give em a good veg prob not no pound tho off several plants but i think a bunch of small plants would be better under the 1 light


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt take them out of the 16oz cups ive got about a hundred seeds i would just tape the cups together in groups of 10 and cut down the males since they show first anyway. im figuring that it would single cola plants no branching out which is ok .

45 girls-10grams per plant dried=450gs


Well-Known Member
I still say go the big mumma! there is just something about a big plant, the weed is so much better as the plant is more mature.


Active Member
10 gallons would prob be big enough idk if 8 weeks is long enough for a pound plant. but yeah thats what friend has me wanting to do just veg for a little from seeds its easier with clones but then just straight flower maybe pull about and ounce off every plant and have a amazing harvest with all those plants under that big light. if you use perlite or cocoa you could make like 32 oz hempy buckets im lookin into em looks pretty cool n itd be hydro. since your floweriung fast you can pull males each plant would basicslly be just one giant bud if you didnt do any supercropping or lst just let em grow short.

Illegal Smile

I think when you focus on how much you're going to get it's bad karma and you'll get less because of it.


Active Member
Not necessarily when your looking for a good harvest after you put some hard work n legit estimates into a grow plants dont need karma just GOODVIBES


Well-Known Member
both of my kings kush seeds have sprouted now and im not going to do a SOG.
im hoping they are both female and in about a week i will transplant each into a 5 gal.
im going to do somewhat of a vertical grow because my 1000watt has a 4x4 shield from htg supply but it isnt facing down its on its side like a stop sign. i plan to veg em both to about a foot then top them and let them veg for another month then flower them.
so what yall think