Socko two days from topping.


Well-Known Member
is this cat for real? dude leave the poor thing alone what is wrong with you did you bump your head? let it get a foot tall and become something before you start abusing it. did your mother not love you. are you trying to reinvent the wheel? i am a girl maybe i'm just dumb. i don't understand this thread at all.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Well-Known Member
Wait I'll say it again. Lick me where I pee. This is an experiment and as such it should be well documented. I will go through and remove certain intervals later.


Well-Known Member
is this cat for real? dude leave the poor thing alone what is wrong with you did you bump your head? let it get a foot tall and become something before you start abusing it. did your mother not love you. are you trying to reinvent the wheel? i am a girl maybe i'm just dumb. i don't understand this thread at all.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Hah yeah Im just making a tiny plant :) a little mother hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Wait I'll say it again. Lick me where I pee. This is an experiment and as such it should be well documented. I will go through and remove certain intervals later.

what? huuuuuuu? what? lick what? you wish. grow up booooy! experiment. fuck read a book. sheesh. like lets see if a square wheel will roll. dude you are helping no one. and you are being rude. what is the point of this thread again. just to tell people to lick you. you are trippin. when a plant grows it gets a leaf on each side. you topped it so now the side braches are growing out. they have a branch on each side (if you ever let it get that far) those side branches are on both sides. that makes 4. math i know. and 2 + 2 = 4 , tough one.

so when this grows and you get a short little plant like we all have done are you going to dance around and say i told you so.

you are doing nothing new or wrong just way to early. it will cost you nothing but time in the long run. if that is not a problem then carry on. piss away your time (pun intended).


Well-Known Member
what? huuuuuuu? what? lick what? you wish. grow up booooy! experiment. fuck read a book. sheesh. like lets see if a square wheel will roll. dude you are helping no one. and you are being rude. what is the point of this thread again. just to tell people to lick you. you are trippin. when a plant grows it gets a leaf on each side. you topped it so now the side braches are growing out. they have a branch on each side (if you ever let it get that far) those side branches are on both sides. that makes 4. math i know. and 2 + 2 = 4 , tough one.

so when this grows and you get a short little plant like we all have done are you going to dance around and say i told you so.

you are doing nothing new or wrong just way to early. it will cost you nothing but time in the long run. if that is not a problem then carry on. piss away your time (pun intended).
You couldnt be more wrong. The plant is growing super fast right now It healed in about 60 hours (Thats not a bad recovery time at all) I will be making my next cuts in about a week.

(obviously if its too early for you then you havn't done it.)

Why is everyone SO sure as to what my intentions are. And you know what? Even Socko thinks you are just a hater.



Well-Known Member
i dont see why sheskunk is so a taken back by ur experiment if this is anything its an interesting read and nothing to be offended by. If u got nothin of value to say its easy just dont say it. you may have topped it early but it looks good, cheers!!

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Well I know what it looks like when you top a plant. I have done it before but he is talking about doing it over and over again. I would also like to know how much bud he gets off of it so thats why I said just keep doing what your doing.


Well-Known Member
i won't keep you waiting.

View attachment 4164

should look something like that but with only 2.
Well for this portion of the experiment yes it will look exactly like that. The trick is I have 4 not 2 and I have made 1 cut. There are blatantly 4 stalks growing from my single cut and they are on two seperate tiers

If you remember from my earlier threads the first part of the box-o-sox project was "Beat Your Plant" in which we covered the possible benefits of a process I call "Toppling" in which you lightly brush your finger past the stem of a sprout as if you were trying to knock it over (when the stem was really springy and green):

So I flicked and pulled and bent (all very lightly) Socko to see if it would adversly effect the sprout and what added benefits this could bring to stem development. This coupled with a faux-windtunnel technique allowed Socko to develop a very strong and flexible stalk more so than you might even find on an outdoor of the same age and strain. (Had an outdoor grower friend who was amazed by this).

Ok so thats one plausable experiment down.


Box-O-Sox is the name of my cardboard box growbox.

The grow area of the box is 2 cubic feet 1'x1'x2' roughly and is powered by a single 42w "150w" 2700 lumen CFL. Because of the cool light from the CFL I have been able to have the light mere inches from the tops of my two plants and using the soda can lamp shroud I have re-directed light going up and focused it down effectivly reducing the lumen spread (at this point the light is shining roughly 2700 lumens in a 1 cubic foot area because of the shroud) The walls are also lined with silver mylar. Water proofing and light reflection.

This made my leaf sections extremely close together. I waited untill the first set of pointed leaves were developed enough to sustain the sprout alone and then i cut the leaves above it off while there was a premature set growing from it. The angle of the cut was a 180 degrees "horizontal" cut. I aimed for the middle of the leaves at the base of the premature set and must have got it just right because it exposed 4 vascular channels. (which is why I have 4 stalks). Also if you noticed the top set of stalks is still maturing as they were the premature ones

(there shouldnt be another tier on the main stalk if I had topped it normally and hence there might be something to it) <-- anyone else experienced this before? It could really help in finding out wether or not there is something to this.

Anyways that is currently where we stand.


Well-Known Member
(Had an outdoor grower friend who was amazed by this)
Amazed by a sprout?????!?!?!
yeah its good to be experamenting, but i think you should just grow ur plant... update soco aswell, the hitting it with the finger makes it no stronger then having a fan blow on it....

dont take offence to this mate, i think your a good lad, but you have 16 pages of sprouts. with the rate you are going there is going to be
200 pages
2000 pictures of soco.

like i said this isent to offend you, im just saying.
but im glad to see soco growing mate, i hope your malipuation works :)
i can bairly see you're two baby's but looks like there growing, so good luck.


Well-Known Member
Amazed by a sprout?????!?!?!
yeah its good to be experamenting, but i think you should just grow ur plant... update soco aswell, the hitting it with the finger makes it no stronger then having a fan blow on it....

dont take offence to this mate, i think your a good lad, but you have 16 pages of sprouts. with the rate you are going there is going to be
200 pages
2000 pictures of soco.

like i said this isent to offend you, im just saying.
but im glad to see soco growing mate, i hope your malipuation works :)
i can bairly see you're two baby's but looks like there growing, so good luck.
Yes there are a lot of pictures of socko and I will be doing some photo pruning soon. I will also make a summary when the grow is done showing images of different stages of plant growth and techniques used to achieve them. At this point I will be compiling all relevant photos into a single thread. I am unsure about the changes in stem being solely due to the fan my stem right now could hold up a sizeable bag of buds and its what 3-4 inches tall?


Well-Known Member
lol nice well it should grow strong :P but i dont know if you should make it a mother(if its a girl) since you've topped it you should make ur non topped one the mother, and grow the buds to there fullest. and i say you should LST it aswell. :)


Well-Known Member
I've thought about this. Turd came out retarded but seems to be doing far better now than I had previously thought it would.

I am unsure of what im going to do as far as make one of them (if i get a female) a mother or just flower them off.


Well-Known Member
How do you top it? Do you just cut the stem in half or something?
Just like a circumcision You nip the tip. When a grouping of leaves appears cut the base of the new set across horizontally. I managed to get two of them at the same time.