Socal Clones


Hey everyone I recently started growing and i have some bagseed from some bomb weed ive collected over the years. So im a patient and socal has some fire so i was wondering for a mother plant would it be better to get a clone from the clinics around here or use the bagseed or if the seeds from the uk/amsterdam/europe are up to par with our local genetics. thanks


Active Member
the best way to obtain the strain/genetics of your desire would be to buy a seedpack from a legit breeder,seedbank.

then mother one of the best females that you liked from the batch,and clone :)

if you buy clones from the dispensary,where do you think they get them?from the patients.and who knows if they gave them the right genetics/ long as the clones look good they will buy them..they could call it some type of OG just to get it off..

some shops do their own bud growing and cloning,but i still would not trust them personally,they will throw a name on a plant just to sell the clones. and some are stingy with their good phenos and will give you the less appealing ones.

if you buy clones from another patient,atleast try and ask too see the final product first,so you get an idea of the plants genetic/strain/pheno etc.

but like i said,start from seed and you should be more then good,also u have less risk of getting bugs from other grower's rooms on their clones.

EDIT: with one med shop,they told me straight up that they bought their strain "cheesus" from seed and picked out all the good phenos and kept them,the phenos that they didnt like,they still cloned them and are selling them in their shop..

meaning they are selling the patients the phenos that arnt as good.and keeping the good ones for theirself,which doesnt matter because all the bud in their shop wasnt that great to be honest.


Active Member
also,theres so many people crossing strains and trying to make their own,theres name changing going on,immitations...

what i like to do is clone every good one i have and then flower them,if they come out great then the clones i took from them,i keep a mother
and if they arnt that great then i just flower them off and have other genetics to take their place....within time you will find the winners.


also,theres so many people crossing strains and trying to make their own,theres name changing going on,immitations...

what i like to do is clone every good one i have and then flower them,if they come out great then the clones i took from them,i keep a mother
and if they arnt that great then i just flower them off and have other genetics to take their place....within time you will find the winners.
cool yea i guess ill be staying away from the clinics. Have you ever had any experience with bagseed? If the bagseed comes from dank bud would the product of the seed be dank as well?


Well-Known Member
Not always. Bagseed is hit or miss. Great way to have a good crop for outdoor IMO though. My time growing outdoors in the Northeast teaches me to germ 100 seeds to end up with a few healthy ones by the end of the season. Then again we would get hit with storms 5-6 times per summer that would kill half our crop. Plus bugs/frost problems, etc. socal is probably different, I'm going to find out next year (with some bagseed, some clones, and a few good seeds)