So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
I just harvested another 50 gal of worm castings from my homemade worm bin. It cost me under 100$ to make and I still only use 1 side of it. I actually can't keep up with the worms they eat more then I can supply them in the winter.


Well-Known Member
I might need to feed mine differently.

They are progressing, but hardly exploding.

I got them set up not too long before it began to
get cold though and I suppose that they are slowing



Active Member
You can see the little bastards moving on the bud.

predators are nice, imo best on smaller plant groupings when you have time for them to chow on the battlefield.

now being part way into flowering, even tho ive never purchased a bottle of it myself (UH-OH) i'll mention what some kids are using these days (not including any harsh stuff, that's mostly what they like 'knock-down' strength) Mighty w. all the way through flower. you decide what it is- Mighty Wash... 'polarized' water + some proprietary wetting agent (secret bs ingredient). id stick w blasting em daily w water- to keep knockin em back. maybe treat your smaller veg area w 'triple threat' predator mites. also take the plants individually inspect and manually remove (or squish) mites on leaves. let us know when you are closer to hanging that buggy-weed. maybe lower your temperatures w air conditioning someAC CA dude.:cool: mites are a bitch man, good luck.

does anyone have any experience w mighty wash, or think it's only expensive water? is neem hidden in there? /


Active Member
Ladybugs will get rid of mites. they eat them and the eggs. If you have an infestation. It will take 7-10 days to get rid of all of them with lady bugs. They will be gone for good. Keep ladybugs in there on the regular.
So can i make a little ladybug house? Can i feed them and keep them going if the mites all disappear?


Well-Known Member
ive had nothing but headaches with lady bugs. one guy told me if i got the lady bugs before i had mites then i won't get mites......... i asked "What do they eat before i get mites?" he said "uhhhhh idk?" lol

I've bought my fare share of lady bugs and they really just get EVERYWHERE in your house. your gonna wake up with em on your face, I've had them crawling on me in mid February and had to explain to people where the fuck a lady bug came from lol!

I'm sure others have had better luck with them but i just feel like they are a big waste of time and resources.

they like to go to the lights too and that doesn't work out so well. all your hoods get all full of dead bugs and shit... it sucks.


Well-Known Member
The lady bugs stay in my garden. I haven't found any anywhere else. I put 5- 10 on top of soil of each plant and store the rest in the fridge. If it gets below 64 degrees. They go into hibernation.


Active Member
The lady bugs stay in my garden. I haven't found any anywhere else. I put 5- 10 on top of soil of each plant and store the rest in the fridge. If it gets below 64 degrees. They go into hibernation.
Awesome, so dont need to keep them as pets, How long can i keep them in the fridge?


Well-Known Member
Awesome, so dont need to keep them as pets, How long can i keep them in the fridge?
I have them in the same breathable container that they came in. I bought them at the hydro shop in person. Probably a different container if shipped. They have been in the fridge for almost 2 months. I put a few little spoonfulls of lady bugs out 2 days ago. They are live and kicking and doing their thing. If you see them group together and not moving on a plant. That usually means they are cold and trying to keep warm. Almost but not quite into hibernation mode.


Well-Known Member
Hypoaspis mites, too. Jumping spiders.

I gotta say, my house isn't as airtight as it should be and when it gets cold these ladybug-wannabes from China come in and I chase them in the winter. I used to like the original ladybug but these knock-offs are bad news. They bite, too.


Active Member
Shizz, i just bought two containers from the hardware store believe it or not, 8 bucks per container, ive set them free and when the lights come on hopefully they fly, thought the lil buggers where dead but once they warmed up they took off.

Hypoaspis mites, too. Jumping spiders.

I gotta say, my house isn't as airtight as it should be and when it gets cold these ladybug-wannabes from China come in and I chase them in the winter. I used to like the original ladybug but these knock-offs are bad news. They bite, too.


Well-Known Member
They have ladybug houses too. I am thinking about getting one just to see if it will work. They tend not to die for awhile as long as they can't hit any HID lights t5 and t8's in veg and air cooled hoods in flower with screen on the end so they can't get sucked up and they seem to happy in my downstairs garden for awhile but they eventually do die. I would like to see if I got them a house if they would breed.


Well-Known Member
I have made bivouacs for Lady Bugs before. They work great.

It is not so much to keep them alive so as it is to keep them around,
if I guess least when used out back in my garden.

In a tent, the food provided might help keep them alive until they
find prey to eat.

I used an enclosed space, with some raisins for food, and a wet
sponge for a water source.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
I tried DE and found it to hardly be death on contact.

I watched the f'ing gnats land on it, walk around, and
then fly off.

It cannot hurt, and might help might with the young.



Active Member
Ok round 48, now if i can keep a certain somebody from spraying this shizz off right away maybe i can kill some spider mites


Well-Known Member
finally grabbed a bag of that M3 soil i was talking about and its beautiful... i mean as far as soil goes, it couldn't be any sexier. super fluffy loamy goodness. smells like a nice blend maybe a little light in the perlite department but thats just my personal taste. doesn't smell like cow shit like other pre blends I've seen.

i came up about 10 gallons short planting a couple seedlings and i didn't wanna cook up a whole new batch so i figured this would work well. i mixed it 50/50 with what i had left and should have just enough. not a true test of it seeing as i mixed it but il be able to tell if those plants get better/worse then the ones in 100% my mix. il let everyone know how it goes.