So, what's going on here now?


Well-Known Member
hi mate im a new time grower growing in coco and using canna a and b and rhizathonic could you give me some advice please my plants look like this well they started yellowing at 1st which i thought was nitrogen dif so i bought nitrozyme put in full strengh my next 2 feeds and now they gone dark green and turning yellow in the middle do you have any ideas what this could be? there about 6-7 days old now from a cutin? and help appriciated thanks.
Nowthen fella,

6-7 day old cuttings? Well rooted cuttings or not yet rooted?

If they are well rooted it sounds like you now have nitrogen toxicity, in which case flush them with lots of water. Then give them a dose of a and b but only 1/4 strength for the next week.
Make sure you get your PH right from now on, you want to be at 5.8. (you don't need to PH when you flush but do when you add the A and B after)

You want to make sure in future you allow a nice amount of run off each time you water, this will prevent salt build up which can lock out nutrients or burn plants. After watering don't let them reabsorb that run off, that may mean you raise your pots an inch off of the trays or tent floor. Also don't use full strength nutrients, if you follow the canna chart online, use 2/3rds or half strength of what it suggests. Once you have them healthy you can slowly increase that amount when you know they can take it, these days I never feed full strength, even in flower. You often get far more weight from slightly underfeeding than from overfeeding as overfeeding is harder to correct and can cause serious problems very quick. Underfeeding is easy to adjust.

When cuttings are young they will be rooting out, at this stage its better to not water too often, allow your medium to dry out between waterings, once your plants are big enough and your roots are well established you can water more often if you want to.

SO to recap, flush them, feed them quarter strength after flush, PHd to 5.8, allow them to dry out and keep an eye on how long that takes, lift the pots, feel how much they weigh wet and how much they weigh almost dry. Mop up any run off.

They should recover slowly, make sure you have them healthy before thinking about flowering them.

Good luck :bigjoint:


New Member
Yeah there really well rooted never seen cutins with roots as big as there was as they was abit older than the normal sized ones to be honest that's why I was giving half strength nutes I've been letting them absorbe the run off water I didn't think that would be a problem... Why is it can I ask? Just for future reference? Also should I take the run off water away from them whilst I'm flushing them out aswell? My ph is around 5.7 to 6.0 but will try getting it bang on 5.8 from now on I've come to look at them today there's like a green alge on top of the soil now should I cover the soil from the light? I've read that will kill it and stop it from happening?