So there was FLIR, and now there might soon be...


Well-Known Member
^That and the fact that smaller unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) are now going to be used by police departments.


New Member
doesnt mean shit supreme court ruled it is unlawful to use flir and similar devices to search a house without a warrant and if they got grounds for a warrant they wont xray your house the will kick your door off hinges
they dont need high tech shit

they just put out what they could do to scare the sheep
dont believe the hype and buy into their propaganda
they do it to scare people from growing
and u guys are helping them get their message out to growers


doesnt mean shit supreme court ruled it is unlawful to use flir and similar devices to search a house without a warrant and if they got grounds for a warrant they wont xray your house the will kick your door off hinges
they dont need high tech shit

they just put out what they could do to scare the sheep
dont believe the hype and buy into their propaganda
they do it to scare people from growing
and u guys are helping them get their message out to growers
Actually they have FLIR and it does work, and it does get people busted.

This isn't about the pigs though, you're missing the big picture.

I have a cellphone, and legs, now I may know where you grow.

Croppers have always been a bigger issue than the police, except maybe illegal police croppers.

The only reason you can grow, is because people like me go out of their way to try and figure out what the police will be up to next, before they get the warrant to kick in my door.

So ya I'll look into it some more, but so far they use cellphone jammers in malls in Europe, and that's about the same technology as it would take to stop terahertz scanners from working.

So my room may soon have a radio jammer XD

The police drones is interesting, but that's more a monitoring thing, and chances are if you have a cellphone they can already do that.

Really it's more cost saving so they wouldn't have to send out the full sized helicopter to follow a suspect around, they'd just have a cheap small drone.


Well-Known Member
doesnt mean shit supreme court ruled it is unlawful to use flir and similar devices to search a house without a warrant...

they just put out what they could do to scare the sheep
dont believe the hype and buy into their propaganda
You really think the Supreme Court has got your back Jack? And that you've got all of these "rights" in post 9/11 America??

lol, think again...