So my dog def just ate my weed butter


Well-Known Member
I just got home and realized I didn't shut my bedroom door so my dog went in and ate 2 sticks worth of weed butter. He cant walk straight and his eyes are 100% pupil lol. He's a crazy 100lb dog but right now he is calm as fuck.

That is all.


Active Member
lololol. thats dope dude.
I curious as to what my dog would be like if i fed her some weed butter :P


Active Member
haha thats funny. there is this youtube video where they do this test where they put spiders on drugs and see there reactions haha. i havnt seen it in a while but I know ones on thc and lsd


New Member
haha thats funny. there is this youtube video where they do this test where they put spiders on drugs and see there reactions haha. i havnt seen it in a while but I know ones on thc and lsd
"when giving thc.. they didnt build a web, they built a hammock"

"the crack cocaine spider figured building webs was for suckaz"



Well-Known Member
It's not funny. Dogs can die from Cannabis toxicity. You need to watch your dog very carefully.
Realistically, if the amount was significant you should get the dog to a vet immediately, as watching for symptoms of toxicity may make it too late.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Hashish, marijuana, and hemp, Cannabis.
General Information
Pets are more commonly poisoned from marijuana through ingestion other than inhalation. THC is the toxin that causes the symptoms and is absorbed quickly after ingestion. THC has strong antiemetic effects which make it difficult to successfully induce vomiting to remove the toxin from the pet. Most animals will recover, but it may take 1-3 days.
Toxic Dose
Depends on the concentration of THC and the form of marijuana ingested.
Ataxia, dilated pupils, 'glazed' eyes, drop in body temperature, increase or decrease in heart rate, bizarre behavior, hyperesthesia, disorientation, somnolence, depression (may last 18-36 hours), coma, excitation is seen occasionally, drooling, tremors, respiratory depression, or death.
Immediate Action
Induce vomiting. Seek veterinary attention.
Veterinary Care
General treatment: The induction of vomiting may be continued, gastric lavage is performed, and activated charcoal is administered.
Supportive treatment: The temperature, pulse, and respiration are monitored and different medications are given depending upon the signs present. A safe environment should be provided where the pet cannot hurt itself or others while disorientated.
Specific treatment: Unavailable. To confirm the diagnosis, urine levels of THC can be determined in the laboratory.


Well-Known Member
It's probably too late at this point to treat the dog using this method to get him to barf up anything of substance, but it could be useful information for others.

To induce a dog to vomit, load a medicine syringe up with about 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. (The 3% solution)

Gently dribble it down their throat. Don't squirt it, make sure he swallows it instead of taking it into his lungs.

In about 5 minutes he should vomit.


Well-Known Member
lol i am sorry.. but that whole situation is just funny,
it sucks for the dog, its cruel that hes high yeah its still some funny shit. dogs crack me up. i love mine :lol:


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a strong batch at all though. I used the other half in a brownie mix and even after eating a whole batch between a friend and I we weren't feeling anything at all. I threw it in the trash because it was so week and my dog just went in the trash. He's easily frightened at the moment which is def not the norm, i'll keep an eye on him.

I just raid "It’s rarely lethal, but it is very stressful." but now I feel so bad for him.


Well-Known Member
So my dog hasn't moved much at all since lat night. My mom swears that he has a brain tumor but that's because she doesn't know he ate the cannabutter. how long is this going to last?


Well-Known Member
The thing is he already takes phenobarbitol (sp) to control his seizures which is a sedative and my mom keeps giving him his doses which adds on top of the weed ingestion. At this point going to the vet is not an option.


Well-Known Member
The thing is he already takes phenobarbitol (sp) to control his seizures which is a sedative and my stupid fucking mom keeps giving him his doses which adds on top of the weed ingestion. At this point going to the vet is not an option.
Why isn't it in option?

Get your dog to the vet, wtf is wrong with you?
If you get busted for the weed, so what? Your dog is more important than any amount of weed!


Well-Known Member
Why isn't it in option?

Get your dog to the vet, wtf is wrong with you?
If you get busted for the weed, so what? Your dog is more important than any amount of weed!
I lost my job several months ago and I have just enough money for car payments and school. After playing with him for a bit he became more attentive and is doing better than last night. It looks like things are improving and if they don't continue to I'll take him to the vet tomorrow when their open.


Well-Known Member
If your dog isn't dead now he's not going to OD.

I know how he feels. I ate a brownie and then got the munchies and ate 4 more before I remembered that they were magic brownies. Needless to say I got really really high. I had to work the next day and it was the worst day of my life. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and sleep all day.

Fortunately for you - Cannabis is a effective treatment for seizures.

Be more careful in the future.