So let me get it all straight....


Well-Known Member
So is this what you have to do to get your harvest at it's most potent after harvesting?

- Cut plant by main stem and hang for a week.
- Trim buds and put them in jars
- Open jars once they start to sweat
- Let them dry
- Close lid again and repeat
- Smoke once completly dry

So is this basically all you need to do?


Well-Known Member
trim leaves before you hang to dry....that the mistake i made forst time and it makes buds all grassy if you jar once or so a day and dont let bud dry too much before putting in jar make it to where its barely dry on the buds


Well-Known Member
i also wanted to know this.

so trim, cut main stem, put in jars and open once a day to let fresh air in? wont that give more of a chance of mold?

would it be better to weed out of jars once a day and give them abit more 'freedom' then put em back in the jars?


Active Member
of corse you do, the buds only go in jars when they are slightly crispy and the stems still bend. they stay in jars to allow moisture in middle to escape, and when it does it makes the moisture level inside the jars rise. this is the reason that you need to "burb" your jars, to lower the moisture level, getting rid of the conditions mold like


Well-Known Member
after cut and hang, some us paper bags to avoid a mold issue down the road.
I store in papper for about 5 days after 7-10 dry time.
I also like to pull them out of the jar onto a wax coded plate for an 1 hr for the first week of cure+ opening the lid as posted.
You have to facter in other things as well for any timelines,temp,weight ect: small stems snap, not bend,your're ready to jar.