So i keep seeing advertisments for legal bud...


Well-Known Member
And I'm sure you've all seen them too. Has anyone used any of this stuff? If anyone has I'd like to hear about it. Does it actually produce a high? I'm sure it doesn't, but who knows. The fine print of Legal - Legal bud | Herbal Vaporizer | Herbal Vaporizers says that their site doesn't promote the smoking of the bud, but rather its use in making herbal tea. Something along those lines. This has me interested! So can anyone shed some light on this for me?!


Well-Known Member
its Divinorum and its a legal high. but stay away from it not enough is know about its affects as of yet. some states are already banning it.


Well-Known Member
Well now that has me even more interested. The prices aren't too high IMO, so is there enough support out there to give me the incentive to order a few kinds and report back?


Well-Known Member
Actually dude... Those Legal Buds are not "Salvia divinorum" Salvia is something that you can smoke that makes you loose your mind. Now, Those Legal buds are bullshit... its called cannabe it resembles cannabis. but it stinks and it gives you a headache... dont waste your money.


Well-Known Member
OMG!!!!!!!!! check it out fellas.... i waz over at my boys house just chill'n... this other dude comes over with salvia... I had never used it he had! and he also had a big fuckin gash on his forhead! Ne ways he goes on a blabbin rampage.. he told me that he bought it @ a head shop and it waz legal, then he explaned tha fuckin gash on his head after he smoked da shit.. he said he took a big fuckin bong hit and started freakn out for about 3 min and cracked his fuckin head on a table! We were so high, and this was funny shit guys.. soo i said break that shit out bitch!!! i do illegal drugs bro! im not affraid of ne bullshit u get from a smoke shop!!! so i loaded up a bowl in da bong... Took a big ol hit and held that shit in for as long as i could.. i blew it out and said looked @ my friends and said thats how u take a hit bitches!! a few seconds later IT STARTED!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!! i couldnt stay sittin down i jumped up and headed 4 tha door, my friends grabbed me i started swingin! it felt like the walls were sticking to me and that it would never end ( like i waz in another world) HELL!!!!!! moral of the fuckin story: legal budz r hella wack, marijuana is illegal? and salvia isnt????????? wtf!!!!! salvia will make u skin your dog alive, bud will make u eat some fuckn chips!


Well-Known Member
OMG!!!!!!!!! check it out fellas.... i waz over at my boys house just chill'n... this other dude comes over with salvia... I had never used it he had! and he also had a big fuckin gash on his forhead! Ne ways he goes on a blabbin rampage.. he told me that he bought it @ a head shop and it waz legal, then he explaned tha fuckin gash on his head after he smoked da shit.. he said he took a big fuckin bong hit and started freakn out for about 3 min and cracked his fuckin head on a table! We were so high, and this was funny shit guys.. soo i said break that shit out bitch!!! i do illegal drugs bro! im not affraid of ne bullshit u get from a smoke shop!!! so i loaded up a bowl in da bong... Took a big ol hit and held that shit in for as long as i could.. i blew it out and said looked @ my friends and said thats how u take a hit bitches!! a few seconds later IT STARTED!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!! i couldnt stay sittin down i jumped up and headed 4 tha door, my friends grabbed me i started swingin! it felt like the walls were sticking to me and that it would never end ( like i waz in another world) HELL!!!!!! moral of the fuckin story: legal budz r hella wack, marijuana is illegal? and salvia isnt????????? wtf!!!!! salvia will make u skin your dog alive, bud will make u eat some fuckn chips!
TRANSLATION: I saw this crazy man with a cut on his head. He gave me some salvia. I took a big hit and went crazy just like the crazy man with a cut on his head.

Stick with weed. I've always found the high from bud to be the most comfortable. It's just the right combination of being impaired and being aware.


Well-Known Member
TRANSLATION: I saw this crazy man with a cut on his head. He gave me some salvia. I took a big hit and went crazy just like the crazy man with a cut on his head.

Stick with weed. I've always found the high from bud to be the most comfortable. It's just the right combination of being impaired and being aware.
ya but salvia if fun as hell when used in moderation, like they need the warning labels that are on the boose bottles, drink in moderation, smoke in moderation, its kik ass:D


Well-Known Member
yes i've smoked salvia a couple times, but i prefer good ole bud. however, i think im going to try some of this legal bud just for kicks.


Well-Known Member
all those fake buds are JUST THAT ...FAKE Spend your money in a better way .. Go visit a Massage parlor.. and get a HAPPY ENDING


Active Member
I have smoked that fake bud before... my friend ordered some of it. It tastes absolutely nastey and wont get u buzzed. (its supposed to give you lucid dreams or something)


Well-Known Member
short answer:
buying it is a waste of your money.
it will do nothing but give you a headache.
a kid at my school got the shit knocked out of him after he sold it to a bunch of people at a party. it was actually hilarious. they tried to box the room and it smelled like burnt sage and they were all coughin and shit. it feels rubbery too. not appetizing.


Active Member
lol your not supposed to move at all when you smoke salvia just lay in a quiet dark room and let your mind roam


Well-Known Member
it feels rubbery too.
Hmmm,sounds fantastic to me,fake rubbery buds ,yum:mrgreen:

If your gonna smoke fake buds make sure you buy some tofu to go with it,that way when you smoke the rubbery fake weed you can cure the fake munchies with a fake tofu burger.


Well-Known Member
Hey, i spent some money on the legal budz....They definately produce a high, but not that of smoking a good joint. It gives you the spacy feeling of smoking bud but not the real high thc gives you...if you dont have bud and cant get it for a while, its better than smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol for real...I just started my new grow in years and havent had any real bud in about 4 months...i have just under two months left and got some legal bud until i get my girls helps but not the best high...lasts for a half hour to an hour tops....its mainly like pipe smoke really...for the fun, not really for the high, its an aide to stop smoking cigarettes really..