
Well-Known Member
It's turning purple. It's about a foot tall now, and I'm just getting to the point where I want to start taking clones. But all the of the stems are purple. The leaves look a little long and lankier than I'm used to... but overall healthy. The stems though... are remarkably PURPLE.

I'm wondering if this is going to effect the rooting potential if I start to take clones. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
That may be early signs of deficiency. You can probably take cuttings without any problems. In all actuality you do want to hold off on the nutes a bit before cutting so as not to have a surplus of nitrogen in the leaves. There are even some strains that grow purple stems no matter what, my SensiStar is one. That however is far less likely than it just being hungry.

I'd take the cuts, and start feeding it a little bit hotter mix in the future.


Well-Known Member
unusually purple/red stems = P(phosphorus) deficiency. that and then if you let it go on your leaves will beggin to turn yellow/purple and curl under, and next they will turn brown and will be brittle/crumble and thus die. your buds will be miniature(i'm talking about less then a bowl per bud site harvest. the plant will become stunted because of no P to grow new roots. feed them some phosphorus... you can buy it at the store... trust me i know...sadly lol.
oh and also temps of 60~ and below will effectively limit your plants ability to ingest phosphorus. whatever is causing this can easily be fixed, and should be asap.

Phosphorus; is used for root growth(hence the stunting), and FLOWERING


Well-Known Member
It's odd that other plants from the same mix aren't showing any signs of deficiency... the leaves are definitely yellowing though. The basement is a bit cooler, I wonder if its the temperature.


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the plant.

I don't know if you can tell in the pics, but even the veins on the leaves have turned purple.

I'm sitting at a constant 70 degrees here, and I've been slowly feeding it some cns17 ripe. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Over watered, yes, I've been trying to treat its deficiency... before it was on a once a week schedule.

How should I move forward?


Well-Known Member
Only water when she's thirsty. Wait until the soil is dry, and the pot gets light. If you're running organic nutes you can even wait til the plant starts to wilt between waterings.