So i am green really green(new) - Now What??

Hello to all of my fellow growers.

So like it says i am new and i had this grand plan and some access to clones and now i am well on my way. 1 week from my first harvest and i am schedule to continue to pull on and off until mid-November. That is all awesome!!!

So if that goes all to plan then i have a bridge with which i haven't really thought or planned for which is where to off my excess quickly and safely? I plan to bring in some healthy amounts in the coming weeks. I think it is stupid to sit on it ?

looking for some general pointers like i have used the site and was thinking ah well there should be a site like where growers can create some sort of safer "escrow" for funds/flower transactions.

nice to read all the post


Well-Known Member
put it in coffee cans and bury them in your yard, I don't know. I don't really even know what you're asking. How to store your weed, like what's the safest and best way? Or the best way to get rid of it, as in sell it or what? My dream is to have a cabinet or some shelves filled with mason jars of all different kinds of weed, but that's just me.

Ok, I get now that you're trying to find the best way to offload it to a dispensary or something, and for that I have no idea.
ah thats a good one, howz that weather up north. i hear the market for MJ is imporoving every month in market as far as state laws in your state. good to hear

thanks for the direction