So here's the deal...


Well-Known Member
I need to decarb so I can bake...I usually use the electric oven to accomplish this task...this time I am going to be using the small GAS oven in the trailer...does or has anyone decarbed using a gas oven and is there a difference and what I should do? I know...the shit I think about a 3 in the morning!


Well-Known Member
if you are baking you do not need to decarb... :)
it will automatically get decarbed when cooked. and then some....

if you just want to make sure the herb is decarbed before hand...have it in an oven @ 200 for an hour and once it is BONE DRY dry it is said that it is decarbed!


Well-Known Member
If you use a tea strainer like one from David's tea you can strain out the leaf and be left with pure liquid butter. That's how I make it for my dad he likes the oilive oil becel infused with cannibis of course :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
heat the herb in a water butter mix... freeze the mix after 1 hour of simmering on the stove.
Use cheese cloth like DD says to separate. put in freezer when strained.
Take it out of the freezer and separate the frozen water from the butter. EASY
Your done. Enjoy. Be careful how much oil/ butter you use. It can be quite strong.
Hope that helps



Well-Known Member
I had 44g to 1lb Butter....went very well actually...just waiting for the milk snot to separate from the fat and we be infusing...banana bread or p butter cookies tomorrow!
milk snot? besides making me laugh....what is it? that "white stuff"


Well-Known Member
talk about munchies... geezus
maybe its time to include the whole famdamily....cookies for all. (: ones you wouldnt feel anything with that is...


Well-Known Member
I got a question for you guys,

i got myself an ounce of shatter but my buddy put it on wax paper instead of parchment. The product went into crumble but still smoked fine, after awhile of it being stored on wax paper it started to taste like shit..i put it on parchment and melted it so it held together for a few days in shatter form then slowly went back. Im not a extracts craftsman i just like to use it, future il dedicate a few months to research. For the mean time, is there anyway i can refine it back to normal?


I highly suggest using coconut oil (I use omega nutrition's brand from superstore, doesn't have coconut taste) and Google about adding soy lechithin. Makes the cannabos more bio available. Effect come on faster and stronger from my experiance.


Well-Known Member
I got a question for you guys,

i got myself an ounce of shatter but my buddy put it on wax paper instead of parchment. The product went into crumble but still smoked fine, after awhile of it being stored on wax paper it started to taste like shit..i put it on parchment and melted it so it held together for a few days in shatter form then slowly went back. Im not a extracts craftsman i just like to use it, future il dedicate a few months to research. For the mean time, is there anyway i can refine it back to normal?
if it changed after you got it... ???
It wasnt good shatter,
Sounds more like the paper sucked up any left over tane


Well-Known Member
I got a question for you guys,

i got myself an ounce of shatter but my buddy put it on wax paper instead of parchment. The product went into crumble but still smoked fine, after awhile of it being stored on wax paper it started to taste like shit..i put it on parchment and melted it so it held together for a few days in shatter form then slowly went back. Im not a extracts craftsman i just like to use it, future il dedicate a few months to research. For the mean time, is there anyway i can refine it back to normal?
i had the same thing happen..went crumbly and sandy like....we just kept it and put it in the fridge. still smoked OK.
since then all shatter goes in the fridge


Well-Known Member
From everything I've seen...if it isn't finished in a vac oven over days... it's not even smokable.
just my opinion though.