snortable pot?


Well-Known Member
i realize most people are going to say " why " but i would just like to know has it been done and how did that person do it? also i know thc is released from the heat when you smoke it but there has to be a way to bypass that similar to cooking it to make this work. Just a thought that came to my mind while looking at my keif lol. This may be unrealistic but just a thought going through my head.


Lol not gonna lie someone gave me 50 bucks to snort a half gram of kief and it burned a little but i was blitzed


Well-Known Member
homie made you snort something diff lol jk

did you smoke the keif before ? made sure it was actually keif

the only problem i could see with this is the thc with it being decarbs wont be absorbed in the lunges

and on top of that your getting plant material RIGHT into the lungs

now if oyu had a ULTRA ULTRA ULTRA clean like primo concentrate

and then decarbed it and dried it out to a dust

it might just work if you shot the shit hard to get to your lungs

your lungs wont care if your getting thc via nasal or smoking

but honestly why trade the pleasurable experience for the harsh

there would be no differneces in effect because it would absorbd the same way it would be a pretty up there high but no diff in effect really because of action

try edibles snort something better K for instance !


I believe what you are looking for is the acetate of thc. Possibly? I remember reading a dangerous synth for it in a glovebox (as the gasses are deadly.) You are basically salting the the freebase; imho seems like a shitload of dangerous, expensive work for a bit of salted thc.


No but i saw him take it out of the part of the grinder under the kief screen lol i i think it got me high because it turned into a liquid somewhere along the lines of me snorting it (prob in my lungs) and got absorbed into my lung tissue it took a good 30 minutes to take affect though


Well-Known Member
prolly did get some effect but i dont know how much you would dont know how much of it would actually absorb


Well-Known Member
Heat a really clean concentrate to about 250°F/120°C. This removes the acid functional group, or decarboxylates the thc. Then supercool it so you can mash it up to a powder (I suggest liquid N2) and blow it ASAP. Worth trying for the novelty once. But no more than that.