Smuggling a qp from Jamaica into the states. Need some advice/tips.


I plan on staying in Negril for about a week or so. I plan to buy a lot of bud and making my own hash in the hotel room for a day. I wanna make it really tight and compact and make as much as i have left over from the week. i will have it saran wrapped zip bags condom the whole nine yards and shoving it up my but with a string type thing attached and sticking out but then taping it in my crack so there will be no problem retrieving it. I know there have been posts about this but im mainly asking because of how tight tsa has been lately. Im really trying to bring some back to the states. and im hoping that this big bag up my ass will just feel like im prarie dogging it. I plan on taking it out once on the plane and then putting it in the carryon after removing a layer of wrapping. Any tips ideas or advice.


Well-Known Member
well here is one way not to do it


Well-Known Member
here we go again......dont bother you will get caught. oh an even if its so far up your arse its rubbing on the back of your teeth the sniffer dogs will still smell it


Well-Known Member
ever had a quarter pound of hash up your ass before?
going through customs and all that wait in the lounges and terminals, all that walking and then sitting for a few hours.
with a qp up your ass.

going all the time, "this is so worth it, ow, this is so worth it ow"
the good news, you are probably never ever going to be constipated again.
might have some problems holding it in again though.

saranwrap lets through smells after a few hours, enough for dogs to smell and then comes the time for fingers up the ass, then many months of courty unpleasantness, combined with the hellhole of "possibly worse than fingers in my ass"

if you gonna do it, you better find some better method than saranwrapped hash up my ass or be nicely lucky.

you must have a huge ass btw..

oh hey, best tip for airports that i can give. (ive never smuggled hash, but ive flown bit and notice who they pull out)

dress nice, suit up if you want (maybe best,depending on the suit) but nice. nice haircut too and clean.
be calm and relaxed. (if you are paranoid you stick out) look like you dont give a shit.
dont be arabian or black. (or resemble them (i somewhat resemble an arab with a beard, lets just say i dont travel disheveled in appearance and with a beard, again, also spoke with some blacks at the airports, common story for them to be picked out)


Well-Known Member
I laughed so fucking hard at this.A fucking qp up your ass?hahahahahahaha
Just mail it back with overnight shipping.


Active Member
Whew...can't say what I am thinking.

I will say, I have had luck making candles and mailing them...but I don't suggest anyone try it, it was before things were as locked down as they are now.

Assume you will get caught and decide ahead of time if it would be worth it :sad:


Well-Known Member
I won't try it. If you could get it up your ass and keep it there for the whole time, maybe, idk, but I dont think its worth it. From what I've seen its getting it INTO the states, rather then out of Jamacia.
if you feel it's worth risking spending years in prison with guys meaner and larger than you using you as a sex toy then by all means stick that QP up your ass cuz it wont be the only thing going up your ass for years to come.

forced homosexual sex is incentive enough for me to never want to try let alone think of trying to smuggle anything.


I mean a qp of dense hash isnt that big i figured i would form it into a cylindrical shape to make it easier. and once i am in the lounges every hour or so go to the bathroom and re wrap with a few more layers. I have never shipped overnight. Can i get advice on shipping it then?


Well-Known Member
save your bowels the trauma and make three packages; mail em to three different PO boxes. at least two should make it. quadruple wrap it, change rubber gloves after each wrapping. Pray.


Well-Known Member
if it's gonna get busted, you want it found in the mail... as opposed to up your ass. Unless of course you're just into that sort of thing.

"that sort of thing" primarily being anal violation with a heaping helping of public humiliation.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about "cheap" when I am thinking about the possibility of not returning home to my job and income as a result of pinching a few pennies.


Well-Known Member
Haha your going to jail...that sucks. If I did it I don't think I would have more then about 4 inches long by 2 inches wide by 2 inches deep...not sure how much that translates to. Damn that's going to hurt...unless you have been preparing lol.


Well-Known Member
you should definitely just put it up your ass thats going to be the easiest way.if your worried about it just cut a two liter bottle in half and stuff it then tape it back together, that way you only have to stick the bottle in your ass. if your nervous I suggest you try it the day before maybe just walk around your hotel with it in their as a practice run then when you do it for real you will be more comfortable


New Member
well it least when u go to jail it will already be broke in and wont hurt as much when big bubba falls in love with u


Try it.
Get some play dough and some wrap, shove it up ya anus, then report back to the thread . Haha