Smoking in your garden


Active Member
Hi, I was wondering if smoking ciggerates or smoking a j in your garden has any effects on its growth?

Any thoughts on that?


Active Member
Depends on your ventilation situation. Lots of smoke is bad for plants as the tar can clog the stomata (little holes on the underside of the leaves which allow gas exchange) in the same way it clogs your lungs. Less air means less growth, so not so good. Also although the bud in your joint contains lots of phytochrome (the hormone that causes budding) it is broken down when smoked so is no longer functional.
On the other hand, burning any material does release carbon dioxide which of course will speed growth, but i'm thinking net effect would be bad.


imagine if your were trying to grow up with the smoke of burning humans around you


Well-Known Member
They hate smoke, cigarettes being the worst, and in an enclosed area it will actually stunt their growth.

Outdoors is not a big deal if that's what you mean, but if you smoke near an indoor grow area just make sure it gets fresh air with a duct from somewhere else and that you have good ventilation.