Smoking Bud At A Concert

Meth Tical

I'm seeing Wu-Tang clan in Chicago in January and Snoop a few weeks after that. I've never smoked at a concert and really want to blaze up during it, but I'm sort of tweakin about getting caught.

Have any of you toked during a concert? Would it be safe to do so? the concerts will be indoors if that matters at all.. I'm sure the Clan and Snoop are gonna be blunted on stage too


Active Member
the rule i always go by, is bring as much as your comfortable eating if you have to. only joints too.

I had some cop or UC tell me to put my joint out one time at ozzy, that was the worst exp i had with smoking at concert. I don't know how extensive the pat downs are these days tho?


Well-Known Member
Tommy Hilfigers son, Rich Hil passes blunts around the crowd during his concerts... A whole lot of blunts so the whole crowd is baked while he performs. I heard of some newer pro-weed artist doing that as a trend.

there are videos around the internet and he smokes all day everyday


Active Member
every concert IVe been to IVE smoked at and never had a problem. Best bet is you'll see someone else toking up and it will make you comfortable. Plus with big names like Wu and snoop it will be at a big venue, so you are cool..

but yea.. have fun

welcome to RIU and dope Name
It is usually cool, just beware of security because they are supposed to bust people but wont give you shit if you are in a big group/ in the pit and lots of smoke is about. I have smoked at almost every concert ive been to in the last 4 years, I got kicked out for the first time this last week at cake/ deck the hall ball, if you get talked to while smoking my advice is to duck and move into the crowd, I went to talk with the people because it was not my joint and I still got tossed. you should totally smoke, just bring joints in your pocket and you should be fine if your more careful than me


Well-Known Member
Man back in the day we could all braze at concert, you just took it in a pack of cigs.. heh cant smoke that indoors either which makes it harder to get away with a joint. Now at outdoor festivals where cigs are allowed, its much easier to get away with it.

Just bring a joint or two, no more than you can eat.
Enjoy the show!



Well-Known Member
As everyone has said, only bring a J or two. Wait until the house lights go down, no sense asking for trouble. Most light up as soon as lights go down. If a cop even begins to walk your way, drop it and step on it. Burned at Priest, Skynard, Pink Floyd, Ozzy, Metallica, AC/DC and many more with no problems. Seems booze and beer are more the problem now a days.

Lt. Fydor

gosh, i hate to be the outside opinion here but in my experience security/cops are always huge fucking assholes. it probably depends on the kind of show too. I'd be a little more careful than everyone else is letting on. of course I have bad luck


Active Member
gosh, i hate to be the outside opinion here but in my experience security/cops are always huge fucking assholes. it probably depends on the kind of show too. I'd be a little more careful than everyone else is letting on. of course I have bad luck
One should not smoke at a jonas bros concert, you might get caught. and also, don't be waving you joint around in the air... hold it down and be stealth

Richard Smith

Active Member
I smoked about 5 grams of some top notch kush at metallica last summer and i didnt have any problems at all :)
it was a great concert though.. everyone was smoking there was like 40 thousand people and all you could smell was the
sweet sweet aroma of marijuana :)


Well-Known Member
If you're paranoid about it here is a more or less fail safe tip. I bring smoke to the racetrack and have used this at concerts as well. Black and Milds work best due to the strong aroma, but you can do it with a cigarette too (it will be filtered). Knock out the first 1/4 to 1/5 of the B&M/cigarette, fill it in with bud, place cigar/cigarette back in pack. By the time the pot smoke has really hit the air all you have left is a cigar/cigarette. I've never been hassled using this method. Also speaking of sneaking things into events check out the link below for sneaking booze. My wife and I used this to sneak 60 oz of rum onto a cruise last month, saved us a pant load on bar tabs. You just empty any regular bottle (water bottles work best), fill it with booze, place this pre-sealed top back on it and viola it looks as if its never been opened. Cheers!

Paul G.

i was always almost ripped out of my mind in every concert or event ive been to... the key is to blaze up at your house first or in your car or a spot nearby then just bring a "follow up joint" at the venue. that way you wont be needing a whole lotta weed at the venue coz your alrdy baked as hell when you got there. LOL.


you can get away with it if you're smart... ive blazed at indoor venues like the Electric Factory multiple times... and i'm 6'4 lol, i have to duck down a little and blow the smoke down towards my feet.

A couple summers ago at the Blazed and Confused tour (slightly stoopid, snoop dogg, and stephen marley) i rolled up 4 blunts in the parking lot tailgating then stashed them in a pack of cigs. Going through security, the guard feels my pack of cigs, asks if theres anything in there, i say "nope," and he lets me in. my friend right behind me gets his cigarette pack searched, luckily i was the one holding the herb! i got lucky that day but just know a pack of cigs isnt alwayst the best hiding spot. for a single blunt or joint, right in the waistband is perfect as long as you're careful walking. no one will find it there lol.

at bonnaroo, you can blaze anywhere anytime in the venue and no one cares. god i love bonnaroo


Well-Known Member
For Pink Floyd 1987 I filled a large Canadian cigarette pack with J's my buddy did the same he had the hash and I had what we called skunk weed. On the ride down I ate 2 gr of really good schrooms and drank a 6 pack of beer. We smoked from the time we sat down until after the encore. Outdoor stadium packed to the rafters.... Best show I've ever seen......I've seen alot of concerts and smoked at just about every one of them without a hassle although the last few I have just taken my little 1 hitter in with me. just be smart about it Its alot harder now adays cause there is no smoking anywhere anymore so when you blaze it really stands out more.


Active Member
A couple summers ago at the Blazed and Confused tour (slightly stoopid, snoop dogg, and stephen marley) i rolled up 4 blunts in the parking lot tailgating then stashed them in a pack of cigs. Going through security, the guard feels my pack of cigs, asks if theres anything in there, i say "nope," and he lets me in. my friend right behind me gets his cigarette pack searched, luckily i was the one holding the herb! i got lucky that day but just know a pack of cigs isnt alwayst the best hiding spot. for a single blunt or joint, right in the waistband is perfect as long as you're careful walking. no one will find it there lol.
lol, festivals, you are usually cool. I was goin to a sound tribe show and was searched upon entering and the guy found my glass pipe and just looked at me sly and said bring that shit back to your vehicle.. i hadda wait in line again, but didn't get in trouble.:).. makes me wanna go to a show soon