Smokeless bongs?


So, I know most of you have probably seen the move Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay, and I was wondering if you can actuallly make a practical smokeless bong. At first I considered, when you exhale do it through a tube with a lysol-soaked rag on the end (the scent won't be able to get out), exhaling through a tubing system with an outdoor outlet (silly). I was also considering, exhaling from the bong, but having another bong that I'd inhale through, with the carb hole plugged, and alcohol (rubbing alcohol) in the water chamber. Do any of my fellow tokens have any experiences, or tips, that they would like to share? Possible bonus: whoever gives me the most practical design gets a smokeless bong of their own design made by me!

As an extra, I was watching Scary Movie 2 and the black dude was using a fish tank as a giant bong. If I did this my fish would die, wouldn't they? I wasn't gonna do it, a stupid guy was over at my friend's house with me and he has a fish tank (so do I), and he wanted to use it as an improvised bong. So, does fish tank bong=dead fishies?