Smoke in the Eye!


Active Member
I have done it to many times to even have a worst time, happens almost everyday with a cig in my mouth.

But I did bur the shit out of my leg yesterday on my motorcycle =P


Well-Known Member
my pc is line with the ac, the smoke goes straight into my eyes. def not as annoying as cigarette smoke though...


Well-Known Member
smoke in the eye is normal, i have literally choked on a roach when i was puffing to hard, now that shit hurts. That was back in the day though, I know better than to smoke a roach.


Well-Known Member
I have done it to many times to even have a worst time, happens almost everyday with a cig in my mouth.

But I did bur the shit out of my leg yesterday on my motorcycle =P

i agree cig smoke fucks my eyes up especially when driving man


New Member
I broke my left hand as a kid ridin my bike downhill tryin to smoke a cigarette. Wind caught the cherry cherry caught the eye and I caught the side of a like 27 foot travel trailer. Smoking cigs is dangerous lol