SMG's Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
This was a spontaneous grow, so it was kind of thrown together haphazardly. We had some bag seeds sitting around, so we decided to wrap them in a damp paper towel. next thing i know we're out buying hundreds of dollars worth of shit. :lol:

Anyways, we're growing in somewhat of a constrictive place. I'm not sure of the actual measurements, but it's small. on the plus side there's some room to expand vertically. we decided to go with a 400w MH for veg, and will swap it out with a HPS when the time comes to flower. we're using a reflector of the El Cheapo variety. To ventilate, we have a 6" induction fan rated at 300cfm routed into the attic. which is then dumped out beneath the attic exhaust fan. we also have a small 3-speed fan to help stimulate strong stalk growth and help maintain temps.

When we first started out we were using some b.s. potting soil just to hold us over. we just transplated all but a few into some Fox Farm Ocean forest two days ago. The older ones are still lacking a little vigor, but we're hoping that will turn around. Here are two of the older ones just a day after being transplated into FFOF;

Here you can see the one day difference between FFOF and the el cheapo potting soil. both were started at the same time;

The fan is suspended using bungees to help reduce noise due to vibration. It also allows the height to be adjusted somewhat.

We decided to start topping a little to help the smaller ones to catch up. If these do turn out to be female i will just make the topped plants the center of the canopy.



Well-Known Member
Also, we're not using any feeds yet. But we do plan to add a little Grow Big by Fox Farm while still in veg. During flowering, I would like to try Tiger Bloom.

Here are a couple pics of some health issues i've encountered;

I'm sure this was brought on early due to the poor soil, hopefully it will prevented from continuing.


Well-Known Member
we've been considering flowering when the little ones reach about ten inches, with the older ones topped in height to help give a more even canopy. I'm thinking of using the 'screen of green' method. would i yield more doing this, or just letting a few grow normally with some topping? with the screen i was thinking 12 plants max.


Well-Known Member

Today my partner in crime purchased a PH / Light / Moisture meter, Time / Contactor, and more FFOF.

4 more plants were transplanted into the grow bags with FFOF, making it a total of 12. still a few hanging out in cups until the next step is decided. already I'm seeing huge differences in growth since in the new soil. it was also decided to go ahead and top all of the older plants.

still using no nutes, but the water is PH balanced as well as the soil.

light cycle will now be 18/6 rather than 24.



Well-Known Member
Here's some progress...

plants are recovering from topping and doing great. still using no nutes, and tap water. pics attached.



Active Member
Hey guys,

I'm also watching this grow, so keep posting! This looks exactly like my closet that I'll be growing in. I'm going to start in a few days when I get my light.

Are you planning on clipping clones, sexing plants, and then clearing away all but the female clones? How tall is your vertical space and at what height are you going to flower?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm also watching this grow, so keep posting! This looks exactly like my closet that I'll be growing in. I'm going to start in a few days when I get my light.

Are you planning on clipping clones, sexing plants, and then clearing away all but the female clones? How tall is your vertical space and at what height are you going to flower?

This is our first indoor grow in a few years so we are starting from seeds. Ours seeds are not feminized so with this first grow we are going to grow the plants to about 10-12 inches and then sex them, throwing away all the males. The best looking female will go into a veg cabinet which we will use for clones for our next crop. From there, depending on how our plants look, we will either put them back into veg for a few more weeks or we will continue with the 12 hour light cycle and proceed to flowering.

Our grow closet is around 8' from floor to ceiling but our reflector hangs from a poll that is place horizontal across the closet at about 5'. The reflector and light are suspended by a chain just above the plants, allowing for the light to be raised as the plants grow. We will be using screen of green method; also we will be topping a few of the plants along the way to compare our results.



Well-Known Member
Started them on a 12-12 cycle today; we should be able to determine sex in about two weeks. At that point we will remove the males, put up a screen, replace HPS with metal halide, and continue flowering.



Active Member
Looks like a jungle in there! Have you started feeding them nutes, or is that Fox Farm soil still doing it's thing? I hope you get plenty of girls to flower.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a jungle in there! Have you started feeding them nutes, or is that Fox Farm soil still doing it's thing? I hope you get plenty of girls to flower.

As long as half of those plants are female I will be content. Still no nutes, Fox Farm seems to be doing the trick for now.