smells already?


Well-Known Member
Even in my short grow experience (this year), I've had vegging plants that were loud. And I use fem seeds, so no males. It really just depends on the strain.


Well-Known Member
Every single time that I have ran into a strain that usually smelled of something skunklike, I would end up having a plant that puts out some top knotch buds. I find that to be a good indicator that you will need a carbon filter if you are worried about smell because if that plant flowers the smell will be 100x worse. Good Luck!


Active Member
Subbed!!! and many people will try to discredit this,but only cause those people don't want nothing to do with males,but me i study them so i can be better at growing cause there is always room to learn.I never cared about smell until it dawned on me and hell i wish all your plants are female.
You have so more ways to tell if a plant is male or female then linsy lohan(probably spelt wrong but I don't give a damn) has mug shots.I'm gonna sub to this thread just to see you proved wrong so maybe you'll shut up about your theries being fact.


Well-Known Member

Pictures of the plant in question remember this is my first grow and this plant is 15 days old from seed. I'm happy about it, although it may not be as big as alot of peoples on here I'm still pretty excited to see it. my other two are a week younger and dont smell so this is the one in question


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2341483View attachment 2341485

Pictures of the plant in question remember this is my first grow and this plant is 15 days old from seed. I'm happy about it, although it may not be as big as alot of peoples on here I'm still pretty excited to see it. my other two are a week younger and dont smell so this is the one in question
Looks nice! hell looks better than some of mines(i treat my seedings like shit if the die they not strong enough to grow lol) could you take a picture of the plant from the side tho?


Well-Known Member
You have so more ways to tell if a plant is male or female then linsy lohan(probably spelt wrong but I don't give a damn) has mug shots.I'm gonna sub to this thread just to see you proved wrong so maybe you'll shut up about your theries being fact.
Ty Villa but as i said too many i don't just burn i learn,if this plant has the same sour stuck in back of the throat smell its gonna be male i just want you to plus +Rep when it is and if it isn't you can finally shut me and i'll rep you and make a thread about how much of an idiot i am lol and thats not the liquor talking


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2341483View attachment 2341485

Pictures of the plant in question remember this is my first grow and this plant is 15 days old from seed. I'm happy about it, although it may not be as big as alot of peoples on here I'm still pretty excited to see it. my other two are a week younger and dont smell so this is the one in question
Your plants look great for 15 days from seed. I did find that my biggest, best growers from seed turned out to be males. Was very disappointing. It makes sense too, males need to be a little taller and quicker growers for better pollination.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look great for 15 days from seed. I did find that my biggest, best growers from seed turned out to be males. Was very disappointing. It makes sense too, males need to be a little taller and quicker growers for better pollination.
I've had only one experience with one reg seed plant thus far, but the male was slower growing and showed sex later than the female to boot. Go figure!


Well-Known Member
Yup room really starting to stink now lol! my miniature deformed one is catching up good and recovered finally I new patience and a lil tlc would bring it back :) will be bringing all three to flower in about two weeks and see what we got. when is the best time to take clones? im going to clone all the plants and label them then throw away all male plants and the clones from that plant. also going to supercrop these bad plants :)


Well-Known Member
Update plant now has 12 leaves and stalk is thickening up real good took a clone from it so only has 11 leaves now lol. I labeled the clone just in case it turns out male so i can destroy it also


im sorry i didnt really read this thread except the first page where someone said that the smell of a plant determines i dont know everything there is to knot about growing but i can sya for sure one thing, the smell of a plant has NO absolutley NO influence, determination or indication that a plant is going to be male or female, im sorry but thats just absurd

not only is it not cool but its just wrong to spread that type of misinformation, your gonna have newbs sitting in veg rooms for hours sniffing there plants wondering what the fuck they they would say on the es pee n

cmmoonnnnn maaaannnn