Smaller net pots?


Active Member
Soo, I am using the StealthHydro set at the moment, which I am very happy with (need more light for budding, but that is not surprixing). This grow I goofed it up and let my plants get too big, but next try I was thinking to modify it a little.

I would like a slightly bigger tub, which should be easy enough to build, but I am thinking I could get the 2 inch net pots and do a 4x6 (perhaps 5) configuration (rather than 2x3). If I keep the plants low and bushy there should not be an issue with falling over, I want it to look like a sweet little hedge or something. I figure if I keep the plants small, spacing them about 2in apart should be fine, no? Or am I being greedy?


For my extra light I dug an old studio portait light out from the garage. It is like a wee sun, I hope that gives me some good extra light. I should get a CFL bulb for it, but what is in there should be OK for a few days (waiting on paycheck >.> Are there high end CFL bulbs (that fit in a normal round socket? The studio light was brilient becuase it already has a sweet big reflector bowl and a height adjustable stand. Woo Woo go me.

Also, give me some hints on a good strain. Small bushy and good for a sea of green hydro grow. I ordered some "ice" because it was the only one that said "ideal for hydrponic" on it, lolol. The girls growing right now (sad as they are) are mystery seeds from like 1990, gah, at least I got them to sprout.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people recommend 5 gallons or reservoir volume per plant for DWC. I'd suggest at least 2.5 gallons. I think squeezing 20 or 24 plants onto a single reservoir might be an interesting experiment to see what you can do, it might work great, but I think you would be better served with fewer plants.

If you LST (International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - LST training in detail. Why bushes are better) your plants you can keep them low and bushy.

What sort of light is your studio light? Fluorescent, HPS, MH? If it is any of those three it is fine to use it but if it is a halogen or incandescent bulb you should remove it immediately. Halogen and incandescent bulbs produce tons of heat but virtually no light that the plants are able to use for photosynthesis, all these bulbs do is fry plants.

There are 42 watt warm white CFL bulbs that you can find at hardware stores that fit regular sockets. There are also super big 105 watt, 125 watt, and 200 watt CFLs, but you usually have to buy those from specialty shops and I don't know if they fit standard sockets.

As for a strain that will stay short and bushy, anything that is predominantly indica will best serve your purposes I believe. Sativas tend to be taller and less bushy.

I think its pretty cool you were able to germ some seeds from ~1990. Almost two decades old, maybe its some sort of lost Atlantis genetic line of dope you found? Maybe not, but thats what you should tell people when you smoke it. Don't tell people you are growing it, however.


Well-Known Member
I would be woried about using that studio light because some have balasts built in and without knowing what type of light bulb you could get into trouble.

as far as a 4x6 config lol I would say greedy but wtf right lol give it a try! I would recomend lolypoping it instead of lst with that # because lolypoping would give you one long cola per plant and lst'ing would be hitting eachother and crowded. I would love to see a grow gernal with a mini lollypop cfl with those #'s for sure! albfuct doesnt count cause hes using hid.