Small Tent/4 Strains

Okay so this is my first indoor grow. I am trying to keep it simple, but I doubt it will be. I have been doing a lot of reading and learning in the past month and decided it was time. So I ran down to Harborside on Tuesday (5/1) and grabbed 4 clones after my tent was setup and ready to go!

I have purchased:
24"x48"x60" Mylar lined grow tent
600w MH/HPS glass-enclosed vented hood
600w MH Bulb (veg)
600w HPS Bulb (flower)
600w Digital Ballast
435cfm in-line duct fan (to cool light)
435cfm in-line duct fan (to pull out hot air from top)
Small house fan for circulation
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Organic Soil
(4) 5gal pots

With that being said here it is:

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Here are the girls shortly after placing them in their new home:
Left to right: Blue Deisel, Sour Flower, Deadhead OG, & God's Gift.

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I currently have them on 18/6. Waiting for them to start taking off.
Quick question: My buddy who used to work in the cloning department at Harborside said they didn't sell their clones to patients until they were about 4 weeks old and rooted solid so do I count those 4 weeks when determining the age of the clones?
So after the first night of being in the tent everyone looked great aside from Deadhead OG. Here is how she looked when I woke up for work the next morning:

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I gave everyone 2 cups of water with 1 drop of root booster for their first night in the tent and I noticed everyone was still damp aside from Deadhead so I gave here another cup (and when I say cup I mean a literal measured cup of water) and sprayed her leaves with water. After a few days of this she looks like this:

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Her leaves are still pretty dry but she is starting to stand back up..
UPDATE: I have been very busy with work that it has been hard to even take pictures of my girls. Deadhead OG ended up dying and I pulled her. The other three girls seem to be thriving after three weeks of veg. The SF seems to be running straight up as I expected from a saliva while the GG is getting quite bushy. The BD was a slow starter but she has gained some height and looks to be catching up to the GG height-wise, but not width-wise.

The girls in the tent together (left to right SF, BD, GG)

BD out of the tent and her canopy:

SF out of the tent and her canopy:

GG out of the tent and her canopy:

I doubt anyone is subbed and I don't expect anyone to be but if someone stumbles across this somehow let me know what you think. These clones were transplanted into soil on 5/1.


Looks great. Subbed. You look prepared and set for a successful grow. The soil should last you through veg. What nutes do you have planned for flowering? How much did your whole setup cost? I am doing a stealth rubbermaid grow, but I am not doing a grow journal as I want to give all my attention to making it successful. My whole setup including seeds (Nirvana White Widow) will cost me $200-$250. I am trying for four plants (two female hopefully all) so if I can get an ounce out of it I will be happy and consider it a success. What are your yield goals? Will you top, LST or any other method?
Here is a breakdown of my setup minus odds and ends like light hangers and ph down as I do not recall the prices.
Light, ballast, bulbs Craigslist $125Tent eBay $97
Soil $20
435cfm Fan Craigslist $35
435cfm Fan hydro store $85
20' 6" Duct $10
Timer $8
Pots $15
Drainage plates $8
Clones $50

So a little over $450 for the whole setup and I hope to harvest 2 ounces per plant being 6 ounces as I lost one clone.

I have added 1/4 dose of bat guano nitrogen to my water and it says to re apply after 4 weeks so I'll do that in two weeks. That's all I'm currently doing to the water aside from pHing at 6.5. When it comes to about two before I switch to 12/12 I will probably be picking up some FF flowering nutes. We will see when the time comes.

As for topping. I had planned to do so for the SF off the bat I just didn't know when or how. My buddy who Was quite knowledgeable in growing came over this past weekend and topped my SF and GG. I've heard multiple reasons why to top or FIM but the one that makes sense to me is that it allows the plant to focus growth on the bushy end and not so much vertical. Anyhow good luck with your grow and thanks for subbing in. I'll try to keep this updated at least once a week but with a wife, child, and job it might get rough. Take care!
Nice i'll be watching. For my first grow i got some GDP clones from harborside they turned out ok, might have been better if I were more experienced. Working with some xxx og kush I got from Organicann in Santa Rosa this go around.
So here's another weekly update. Nothin major happened aside from me just recently (tonight) moving the tent into the spare bedroom in my house. My wife put up a fight but in the end I bring home the cheddar so the room is MINE!


The girls in the tent (from left to right: GG, BD, SF):

Blue Diesel & canopy:

God's Gift & canopy:

Sour Flower & canopy:

Where I topped SF (right: where i topped, middle: new growth, left: old growth):

Top view of where I topped. Out of focus view of new semi retarded looking growth. Sorry I'm not the best photographer..

Thanks for those still watching! Any request pictures of my setup or plants ya'll want I'll try and take! Just let me know.

Peace! :weed:

So I went on on a working road trip last week and had watered the plants on Monday before I left. My brother-in-law watered them with just pH'd water on Friday before I returned and they looked good through the weekend and today when I went out to water I noticed the girls had looked a little droopy so I took some pics. I felt the soil and the top soil was dry and it was dry about an inch down (even though the soil was pretty packed) so I watered like normal. I noticed runoff in the runoff pots quicker than normal but oh well, the soil still got wet..

Here are the pics:

Sour Flower:

Blue Diesel:

God's Gift:

All in the tent and some yellowing drying leaves I've noticed on the SF:
I am currently in the process of switching the lights to 12/12 to promote my plants to flower. I have been doing quite a bit of reading on transitioning and my dad suggested doing it like it happens in nature (i am trying to reproduce what happens outdoor in my tent, right?). So after researching many methods such as 1 or 2 days of darkness then switch to 12/12, waiting til the lights go out and straight up switching right to 12/12, then I stumbled across a thread about this guy who met this grower in BC who counted back his timer 1 hour a day from 18/6 to 12/12 and they starting showing signs of sex 2 days after they were full 12/12. So that is what I will be doing (counting back my timer til I'm 12/12. I added an hour starting Tuesday and have been doing so since. They now have 15 hours of light per day and tomorrow they will only get 14. The 600w HPS bulb was also switched in Tuesday morning before the lights came on. I have been noticing some white egg sacks on the leaves of the sativa and I've narrowed it down to aphids so I plan to neem her tomorrow morning before the lights go out and continue to do so every three days for a couple weeks to make sure all the bugs are killed. I'd like to go get some TangleFoot and lady bugs as well (suggestions on that?) but I am a bit strapped for cash at this time. I've also been noticing the lower fan leaves of the saliva are yellowing, browning, and sort of rusting and it seems to be working it's way up one branch. I flushed them all with 6.8 pH'd water last night (15 gallons each) to get all the N Bat Guano out and ready for flower. I will probably add P Bat Guano in two weeks (1/4 recommended dose) and every two weeks following until the last two weeks before harvest. Anyhow that's all I can think of at the moment, I'm kind of stoned.

Here are some pics of the egg sacks i found on the fan leaves of the saliva if anyone's interested:


Thanks to anyone out there reading.
Bored so I rearranged my fan setup to make one fan do two jobs. I reversed my light 180 degrees and removed one end of the ducting so that my black 435cfm is pulling both air from the hood and the hot air from the top of the tent. I figure why not, it clear 10x the amount of air my tent can hold every minute. and for the green 435cfm I have it pulling air from outside and pumping it into the floor of my tent. So far so good. Temps are remaining only 2 degrees above outdoor temp, which is 81 (tent 83) and I've noticed theres no longer either negative pressure or positive pressure. It's remaining neutral, which is nice. No balloon or vacuum sealed tent. :)

So here are the pics so you can see for yourself. Remember, green fan is bringing in fresh air, black fan is removing hot air from hood and top of tent.

Had a small problem. Narrowed it down to White Flys. I neem'd the girls this morning before they went to bed. Gave them a serious drenching in the dilution dyna-gro recommended. Also installed some pantyhose on both ends of my intake to prevent further pest intrusions. Before I neem'd them this morning I took some pics. Here they are:

Sour Flower:


Blue Diesel:


God's Gift:


Pissed off and wet before bed (sorry for quality it was pitch black in my garage):



Well-Known Member
Looks good, what are you using for Nutes? If the way you have your fans running in your tent is working roll with it but have you ever considered using one fan to bring cool air in and one to cool the light instead? I'm guessing pretty soon your just gonna air cool the hood with the green fan and use the other for a carbon filter? Unless you don't mind the odor ??
Im using FFoF and they say it is quite rich so I didn't use much but some Nitrogen rich bat guano during the 5 weeks I veg'd. I just flushed them a few nights ago to get any buildup out (there shouldn't have been much if any). I am trying to keep it organic so I'll most likely be using just bat guano and molasses during flower (unless anyone suggests something different, lol.) I used to have the fans set up so that the green fan strictly blew air through the light and out the tent and the black fan pulled air from the top of the tent while the negative pressure sucked in air from my garage. now i have it so that the green fan pulls fresh air from outside and pumps it to the floor of my tent and as you can see one end of my light is open and the black fan is pulling air from both the light and the hot air from the top of the tent simultaneously. The air the fan is pulling is being expelled outside so the only time smell enters my garage is when I open the tent, which is quite frequently. I figured why not make one fan do two jobs? It certainly has the CFM power to do so and this setup has been proven to keep my temps at a lot better levels than they were before I reorganized the fans and duct work.

What do you recommend for nutes? My buddy who works at my local hydro store was adamant on organics and so that's what I got. Will liquid nutes produce a bigger yield or will I be okay with just organic grain guano?..


Well-Known Member
Well organic will work if you get the right stuff, but synthetic will top the yeild hands down!
if your sold on organic I'd reccomend GH's go box $40 and it comes with everything you need! Im doing half ass organic but I do know if your in it for yeild synthetic can get you great results! On the other hand, some prefer organic!

that's why I'm doing both. bongsmilie

I don't flush because depriving the plant Nutes two weeks or 10 days prior to harvest just doesnt make any sense to me. It needs those Nutes to finish up.
Why do you think every singe Nute companys schedule increases Nutes till harvest? so instead of running chem Nutes till harvest, I'm just gonna go organic the last four weeks so this way I can give them a boost the first 4 weeks and build them up nicely, flush and then with organic till harvest,

get that organic taste everyone loves!


Active Member
FFOF is bomb man and its all considered organic. Try big bloom its awesome! Your grow looks great happy growing!
@ Spencer I heard the pre harvest flush was more for the grower and the future smokers personal preference and that the flush is solely to get any nutrient build up and funky taste it may have in the buds out. I'm kinda just researching things as they come along and taking them one by one however flowering nutes is one thing I need to begin thinking about soon. I think I'm going to give them a dose of the Phosphorous Bat Guano I have and perhaps even look for some Big Bloom like Kl11 suggested. Anything to maximize yield, right? Growing pure organic would be nice but if I got to throw some synthetic in there to boost up the yield a % I will.

@ Kl11 Yeah, I'm beginning to like FFoF. At first I didn't care for it because I was burning a few plants and realized it was nute rich and the soil itself would pretty much get me through veg without having to add any nutes to it. Now I like that fact due to there is less maintenance I have during veg. I have not decided if I run to run with it again on my next grow or try to go another route. I may just go with it as it has not given me any problems so far. I'm going to look into big bloom soon. I've just been too lazy to go down to the hydro store.. Soon hopefully. Thanks ya'll!


Well-Known Member
@ Spencer I heard the pre harvest flush was more for the grower and the future smokers personal preference and that the flush is solely to get any nutrient build up and funky taste it may have in the buds out. I'm kinda just researching things as they come along and taking them one by one however flowering nutes is one thing I need to begin thinking about soon. I think I'm going to give them a dose of the Phosphorous Bat Guano I have and perhaps even look for some Big Bloom like Kl11 suggested. Anything to maximize yield, right? Growing pure organic would be nice but if I got to throw some synthetic in there to boost up the yield a % I will.

@ Kl11 Yeah, I'm beginning to like FFoF. At first I didn't care for it because I was burning a few plants and realized it was nute rich and the soil itself would pretty much get me through veg without having to add any nutes to it. Now I like that fact due to there is less maintenance I have during veg. I have not decided if I run to run with it again on my next grow or try to go another route. I may just go with it as it has not given me any problems so far. I'm going to look into big bloom soon. I've just been too lazy to go down to the hydro store.. Soon hopefully. Thanks ya'll!
try the fox farm line up but make sure you get the tri pack of the powders too, cha ching, beastie blooms, and open sesame!


Active Member
We have similar setups, Cali, though mine is only 400w,
but glad to stumble upon this!
Same tent size, and I'm using FFoF as well.

So it gives me a better idea on what to expect.
I was going to put a plant in each corner then lst and top them toward the middle to take full advantage of the size.

I'm wondering, you said the exhaust fa was doing two jobs, how did you do that?
Simply reposition the fan, or did you somehow split the duct into 2?
I can't really tell from the pics, but I'm looking for idea to save room in the tent.